Consider the dual with no offset and not slack.
In the dual we have that for data points that are support vectors:
$$\alpha_t > 0$$
and that the constraint is satisfied with equality (since a support vector!):
$$y^{(t)}\sum^n_{t'=1} \alpha_{t'}y^{(t')}x^{(t')} \cdot x^{(t)} = 1$$
However, just because $\alpha_t > 0$ its not obvious to me if all the support vector have the same value of $\alpha_t$. Do all of the support vectors have the same value of $\alpha_t$? I was kind of looking for a mathematical justification or intuition for my question. My guess is that they would have the same $\alpha_t$ value in the absence of slack. My other guess was that, $\alpha_i$ intuitively, says the important of that point, right? (maybe thats wrong) If thats true then, not all support vector have the same value of $\alpha_i$ because not all support vectors are essential support vectors. What I mean is, that some support vectors will lie on the margin boundary but removing them will not necessarily change the margin (for example, consider the case where you have 3 SVs in a line, you can remove the middle one and keep the same boundary). So do essential support vectors get larger value of $\alpha_t$?
Also, I was wondering, what would happen in the case of slack and offset to the value of $\alpha_t$. I was guessing that closer points to the decision boundary, get larger value of $\alpha$? However, are points inside the margin even consider support vectors?