I will try to explain this as per my understanding.
The main idea of the section 2.4 Statistical Decision Theory is to provide a framework for developing models(e.g. least-squares regression, k-NN).
As a first step(it is what author of this topic is asking about) in that section we consider regression function.
Idea of the step: to show that we can use conditional expectation as a linear regression function. So
$$f(x) = mx+b = \text{E}(Y|X=x)$$
where $m$ - slope, $b$ - intercept
($X$ is vector in the example of the book but I hope it doesn't confuse.)
I understand this mapping next way. Linear regression is a process to find a line closest to every point on scatter-plot. So to predict $y$ we can use expected value(or mean) of $y$ for given $x$ instead of $mx+b$.
How to prove that we are right with above assumption?
1. We need a loss function(squared error):
$$L(Y, f(X))=(Y-f(X))^2$$
Therefore the expected squared prediction error for our regression function will be:
$$EPE(f) = E(L[Y, f(x)]) = E([Y-f(X)]^2) \text{ - this is how we're getting 2.9}$$
2. Then how to derive 2.11 from 2.10 and 2.10 from 2.9. Generally we need to follow one of properties for conditional expectation
$$E(E[X|Y]) = E[X|Y = y] P(Y = y) \text{ - by law of unconscious statistician}$$
$$E[X|Y = y] P(Y = y) = E[X] \text{ - by partition theorem from above we get this.}$$
We can do the next steps:
2.9 to 2.10:
$EPE(f)= E([Y-f(X)]^2) = \int[y−f(x)]^2Pr(dx,dy)$ - this is by definition of expectation($E(X)=∫xf(x)dx$ for continuous case) probably except for $Pr(dx, dy)$
There are 3 parts:
$\int$ - because we're using continuous random variables
$[y−f(x)]^2$ - this is our x from definition
$Pr(dx, dy)$ - just notation for $p(x,y)dxdy$ where $p(x,y)$ is probability
2.10 to 2.11:
$$\int [y−f(x)]^2Pr(dx,dy) \text{ - 2.10 formula}$$
$$=\int[y−f(x)]^2\mathbf{p(x,y)dxdy} \text{ - from the above}$$
$$=\mathbf{\int_{x}\int_{y}}[y−f(x)]^2p(x,y)dxdy \text{ - just more precise integrals}$$
$$=\int_{x}\int_{y}[y−f(x)]^2\mathbf{p(x)p(y|x)}dxdy \text{ - by multiplication rule we got this}$$
$$=\int_{x}\mathbf{(\int_{y}[y−f(x)]^2p(y|x)dy)}p(x)dx \text{ - just regrouped members}$$
$$=\int_{x}\mathbf{(E_{Y|X}([Y−f(X)]^2|X=x))}p(x)dx \text{ - by definition of conditional expectation}$$
$$=E_{X}[E_{Y|X}([Y−f(X)]^2|X=x)] \text{ - by law of unconscious statistician we get this}$$
So $E_{X}E_{Y|X}([Y−f(X)]^2|X=x)$ is generally $E(E[Y|X])$.
3. So far we've worked on $EPE(f)$ and proved that $E([Y-f(X)]^2)$ can be represented like this $E_{X}E_{Y|X}([Y−f(X)]2|X=x)$
Then authors say that it suffices to minimize $EPE$ pointwise for $f(x)$.
$$f(x) = argmin_{c} E_{Y|X}([Y − c]^2|X) = x$$
I thought of simple notations for regression to realize what authors mean. Specifically we can minimize squared error of regression line with partial derivatives.
a. we can represent this $$SE_{line} = (y_{0}-(mx_{0}+b))^2+(y_{1}-(mx_{1}+b))^2 +...+(y_{n}-(mx_{n}+b))^2$$ like this $$SE_{line} = n\overline{y^2}-2mn\overline{yx}-2bn\overline{y}+m^2n\overline{x^2}+2mbn\overline{x}+nb^2$$ It is the same actually.
b. Then we can find partial derivatives of the above with respect of $m$(slope) and $b$(intersect) to find minima for those variables.
c. So we can use $m$ and $b$ in $mx+b$ to get predicted $y$ with minimum error.
The same idea is in the book. We want to find some $c$ to get minimum for $$E_{Y|X}([Y − c]^2|X = x)\text{ (2.12)}$$
So the best prediction of $Y$ at any point $X$ is the conditional mean(mean of $Y$'s for $X$) when the best is measured by average squared error.
Hope it helps.