In a mixed model analysis (lme4 + lmerTest for R), I want to analyse the effect of 3 predictors, say A
, B
and C
. Since it is a mixed model, there are two random effects Ran1
and Ran2
I first built a random intercept model with Ran1
and Ran2
, but without fixed terms:
mod.0 <- lmer ( outcome ~ 1 + (1|Ran1) + (1|Ran2), data = mydata)
The result (fixed part) is the following:
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.92381 0.07787 35.28000 37.55 <2e-16 ***
I built a random intercept mixed effect model to account for Ran1
and Ran2
mod.1 <- lmer ( outcome ~ A + B + C + (1|Ran1) + (1|Ran2), data = mydata)
The result (fixed part) is the following:
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 3.255e+00 8.476e-02 5.000e+01 38.400 < 2e-16 ***
A -1.482e-01 2.639e-02 5.671e+04 -5.617 1.95e-08 ***
B 3.495e-01 2.462e-02 5.971e+04 14.195 < 2e-16 ***
C -2.083e-01 1.873e-02 3.942e+04 -11.124 < 2e-16 ***
With the following method to compute $R^2$ for models:
r2.mer <- function(m)
lmfit <- lm(model.response(model.frame(m)) ~ fitted(m))
has $R^2=$ 0.6187513 and mod.1
has $R^2=$ 0.6251295. We can see that by adding the fixed terms, the model $R^2$ does not change much.
I also use a detailed $R^2$ computation method to compare the two model and to compare the marginal and conditional $R^2$ (
By running the following command:
rsquared.glmm(list(mod.0, mod.1,))
The result is the following:
Class Family Link Marginal Conditional AIC
1 merModLmerTest gaussian identity 0.00000000 0.5814522 300654.6
2 merModLmerTest gaussian identity 0.00555211 0.5691487 129177.1
The result is in line with the previous, i.e. for mod.1
, the variances in the fixed terms only account for 0.00555 of the total variance (marginal $R^2)$.
As I said at the beginning, I am interested to analyse the effect of A
, B
, C
. As you see, the effects are significant, although the effect size (Beta values) are small, due to large number of observations.
In this case, does it make sense to report that A
and C
have negative effects (Beta = -0.14 and -0.21), B has positive effect (Beta = 0.345), even the $R^2$ values of these fixed terms are really small? Do you have a better interpretation of the results?
seems to have a less-than-tiny effect size at least. I don't see any harm in reporting these effects if they're of interest. With a sample size this tremendous, you can get some pretty sharp confidence intervals on those estimates. That's gotta be worth something, right? $\endgroup$REML=FALSE
) when comparing the AIC of the two models. $\endgroup$