I have a question regarding Multidimensional Scaling. I used the dataset eurodist
from the package datasets
to generate a 2 dimensional configuration of the distances between European cities. I expected a nearly exact representation of the location for the cities (although the points could be mirrored) because we have distance data here that are known a-priori to be accurate. There shouldn't be any conflicts inside the data, but actually my analysis shows THERE ARE!
Does anyone know the reason why we have stress inside the data?
obj <- cmdscale(eurodist, k = 2)
plot(obj[,1], obj[,2], type = "n")
text(obj[,1], obj[,2], labels = rownames(obj))
sh <- Shepard(eurodist,obj)
plot(sh$x, sh$y, main="Shepard-Diagram")
abline(0, 1)
procedure you used. But here are some hypotheses: 1) You used stress (fit) by squared distances whereas you shouldn't; 2) You used nonmetric MDS which not always give the same results as metric even with euclidean distances; 3) your input distances are on earth's convex surface, but your map is flat; 4) some misspecification of the command. $\endgroup$