I am performing a parametric bootstrap to test whether I need a specific fixed effect in my model or not. I have mainly done this for exercise and I am interested if my procedure so far is correct.
First, I fit the two models to be compared. One of them includes the effect to be tested for and the other one does not. As I am testing for fixed effects I set REML=FALSE
mod8 <- lmer(log(value)
~ matching
+ (sentence_type | subject)
+ (sentence_type | context),
data = wort12_lmm2_melt,
mod_min <- lmer(log(value)
~ 1
+ (sentence_type | subject)
+ (sentence_type | context),
data = wort12_lmm2_melt,
Both models are fit on a balanced data set which includes few missing values. There are slightly above 11000 observations for 70 subjects. Every subject saw every item only one time. The dependent variable are reading times; sentence_type and matching are two-level factors. Context and subject are treated as random effects. Context has 40 levels.
I call anova():
anova(mod_min, mod8)
and get the output:
Data: wort12_lmm2_melt
mod_min: log(value) ~ 1 + (sentence_type | subject) + (sentence_type | context)
mod8: log(value) ~ matching + (sentence_type | subject) + (sentence_type |
mod8: context)
Df AIC BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
mod_min 8 3317.6 3375.8 -1650.8 3301.6
mod8 9 3310.9 3376.4 -1646.4 3292.9 8.6849 1 0.003209 **
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Mistrusting the almighty p I set up a parametric bootstrap by hand:
mod <- mod8
modnull <- mod_min
lrt.obs <- anova(mod, modnull)$Chisq[2] # save the observed likelihood ratio test statistic
n.sim <- 10000
lrt.sim <- numeric(n.sim)
dattemp <- mod@frame
# pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n.sim, style = 3) # set up progress bar to satisfy need for control
for(i in 1:n.sim) {
# Sys.sleep(0.1) # progress bar related stuff
ysim <- unlist(simulate(modnull) # simulate new observations from the null-model
modnullsim <- lmer(ysim
~ 1
+ (sentence_type | subject)
+ (sentence_type | context),
data = dattemp,
REML = FALSE) # fit the null-model
modaltsim <- lmer(ysim
~ matching
+ (sentence_type | subject)
+ (sentence_type | context),
data = dattemp,
REML = FALSE) # fit the alternative model
lrt.sim[i] <- anova(modnullsim, modaltsim)$Chisq[2] # save the likelihood ratio test statistic
# setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
# assuming chi-squared distribution for comparison
df = 1,
lower = FALSE)
with the output:
'log Lik.' 0.003208543 (df=9)
compare to parametric bootstrap p-value
p_mod8_mod_min <- (sum(lrt.sim>=lrt.obs)+1)/(n.sim+1) # p-value. alternative: mean(lrt.sim>lrt.obs)
with the output:
[1] 0.00319968
Plot the whole thing:
xx <- seq(0, 20, 0.1)
xlim = c(0, max(c(lrt.sim, lrt.obs))),
col = "blue",
xlab = "likelihood ratio test statistic",
ylab = "density",
cex.lab = 1.5,
cex.axis = 1.2,
freq = FALSE)
abline(v = lrt.obs,
col = "orange",
lwd = 3)
col = "blue")
dchisq(xx, df = 1),
col = "red")
which yields:
I do have some questions though:
(1) Is the procedure correct or did I make a mistake?
(2) How is the histogram to be interpreted?
(3) Is the form of the histogram normal or extreme?
Thanks for any help!
from thepbkrtest
package to run these sorts of comparisons, orKRmodcomp
(same package) to get a better (than the LRT) approximation of the p-value. $\endgroup$