I have learning data consisting of ~45k samples, each has 21 features. I am trying to train a random forest classifier on this data, which is labelled to 3 classes (-1, 0 and 1). The classes are more or less equal in their sizes.
My random forest classifier model is using gini
as its split quality criterion, the number of trees is 10, and I have not limited the depth of a tree.
Most of the features have shown negligible importance - the mean is about 5%, a third of them is of importance 0, a third of them is of importance above the mean.
However, perhaps the most striking fact is the oob (out-of-bag) score: a bit less than 1%. It made me think the model fails, and indeed, testing the model on a new independent set of size ~40k, I got score of 63% (sounds good so far), but a deeper inspection of the confusion matrix have shown me that the model only succeeds for class 0, and fails in about 50% of the cases when it comes to decide between 1 and -1.
Python's output attached:
array([[ 7732, 185, 6259],
[ 390, 11506, 256],
[ 7442, 161, 6378]])
This is naturally because the 0 class has special properties which makes it much easier to predict. However, is it true that the oob score I've found is already a sign that the model is not good? What is a good oob score for random forests? Is there some law-of-thumb which helps determining whether a model is "good", using the oob score alone, or in combination with some other results of the model?
Edit: after removing bad data (about third of the data), the labels were more or less 2% for 0 and 49% for each of -1/+1. The oob score was 0.011 and the score on the test data was 0.49, with confusion matrix hardly biased towards class 1 (about 3/4 of the predictions).
is a score, that is, a measure of agreement. I could not find it documented, however. $\endgroup$