I'm trying to compare some data and see if there is a significant Pinteraction value between them. The data is highly skewed and thus I would like to use a transformation; a log transformation results in highly non-normal residuals, thus I am looking for a more appropriate transformation, if it exists. I came upon the Box-Cox transformation, and I'm trying to see if it will work. However, for every dataset I have a unique $\lambda$, and thus a different equation of the form
using the former, because my $\lambda$ value was found to be not zero on all occasions.
My question, therefore, is if I can statistically compare two data sets transformed with different lambda values, or if there is a way to find a lambda value which is the maximum likelihood for both data sets. Or if I've made a horrible mistake.
This is how I found my lambda value, just to make sure I did not make a mistake.
Assume data sets Data1 and Data2, where Data1 is the response variable.
#Initial regression to get regression object
LM <- lm(Data1 ~ Data2)
LM.b <- boxcox(LM)
#x = lambda values, y = likelihood values
lam <- LM.b$x
lik <- LM.b$y
lam.lik <- cbind(lam,lik)
#Sort by likelihood to get maximum likelihood lambda
lam.lik.sort <- lam.lik[order(-lik),]
LAM <- lam.lik.sort[1,1]
#Perform regression on transformed values
Data1.trans <- ((Data1^LAM) - 1)/LAM
LM.trans <- lm(Data1.trans ~ Data2)