I have 2 different variates W,X. I want to compute Gumbel copula for these variates. I followed following steps for the same: 1. To compute kendall's tau I used R's package Kendall. From kendall's tau I computed gumbel parameter(alpha) as alpha=1/(1-tau).
Then I computed gumbel copula using R's package copula. function used during the computation was gumbelCopula(alpha,dim=2).
After that I used rCopula() function to simulate copula values.
Above method worked fine for 2 variates W,X. Now when I wish to compute gumbel Copula for 4 variates W,X,Y,Z using the same procedure, it is failing in 1st step itself as I cannot compute kandall tau for 4 variates. Kendall tau works only for 2 variates. Can someone please illuminate me with the method of computing Gumbel copula for 4 variates?
Thanks in Advance