I am a newbie with pyMC and I am not still able to construct the structure of my MCMC with pyMC. I would like to establish a chain and I am confused how to define my parameters and log-likelihood function together. My chi-squared function is given by:
where and are observational data and correspondence error respectively and is the model with four free parameter and the parameters are non-linear.
The priors for X
and Y
are uniform but for M
and C
are given as following:
where the probability of c
follows log-normal distribution while the expectation value of c
is computed with the above formula and is the function of M
and $\sigma$ is 0.09
if $M < 10^{15}$ otherwise $\sigma=0.06$:
for each C
the parameter z
is constant. I am wondering how I could define my likelihood for , and should it be referred as @Deterministic variable? Did I define M
and C
as priori information in a correct way or not?
I will be grateful if somebody gives me some tips that how I can combine these parameters with given priors.
import pymc as pm
import numpy as np
import math
import random
from scipy.stats import expon
@pm.stochastic(dtype=np.float, observed=False, trace=True)
def Xpos(value=1900,x_l=1800,x_h=1950):
"""The probable region of the position of halo centre"""
def logp(value,x_l,x_h):
if ((value>x_h) or (value<x_l)):
return -np.inf
return -np.log(x_h-x_l+1)
def random(x_l,x_h):
return np.round((x_h-x_l)*random.random())+x_l
@pm.stochastic(dtype=np.float, observed=False, trace=True)
def Ypos(value=1750,y_l=1200,y_h=2000):
"""The probable region of the position of halo centre"""
def logp(value,y_l,y_h):
if ((value>y_h) or (value<y_l)):
return -np.inf
return -np.log(y_h-y_l+1)
def random(y_l,y_h):
return np.round((y_h-y_l)*random.random())+y_l
M=math.pow(10,15)*pm.Exponential('mass', beta=math.pow(10,15))
@pm.stochastic(dtype=np.float, observed=False, trace=True)
def concentration(value=4, zh, M200): #c parameter
"""logp for concentration parameter"""
def logp(value=4.,zh, M):
if (value>0):
x = np.linspace(math.pow(10,13),math.pow(10,16),200 )
conc = [5.26/(1.+zh)*math.pow(x[i]/math.pow(10,14),-0.1) for i in range(len(x))]
for i in range(len(x)):
if (M < pow(10,15)):
return pm.lognormal_like(value, mu_c, tau)
return -np.inf
def random(mu_c,tau):
return np.random.lognormal(mu_c, tau, 1)
take a look and confirm I have coded my problem in the right way. $\endgroup$