I have an AR(1) process that looks like this:
$$ \ln(g_t) = (1 - \rho_g)(\ln(\mu_g) - c) + \rho_g\ln(g_{t-1}) + \epsilon^g_t $$
where $|\rho_g| < 1$, $\epsilon^g_t \sim N(0, \sigma^2_g)$, and $c = \cfrac{1}{2} \left( \cfrac{\sigma^2_g}{1 - \rho^2_g} \right)$
and I want to find $E(g_t)$ and $Var(g_t)$.
I thought about starting out with a simple substitution $y = \ln(g_t)$, to make it a standard AR(1) process that I can find the variance of:
$$ y_t = B + \rho_g y_{t-1} + \epsilon^g_t $$
where $B = (1 - \rho_g)(\ln(\mu_g) - c)$. I can find the expected value:
\begin{align} E(y_t) &= E(B + \rho_g y_{t-1} + \epsilon^g_t) \\ &= B + \rho_g E(y_{t-1}) \\ \mu_y &= B + \rho_g \mu_y \\ \mu_y &= \cfrac{B}{1 - \rho_g} \\ &= \ln(\mu_g) - c \end{align}
and variance of this (using stationarity):
\begin{align} Var(y_t) &= Var(B + \rho_g y_{t-1} + \epsilon^g_t) \\ &= Var(\rho_g y_{t-1} + \epsilon^g_t) \\ \sigma^2_y &= \rho^2_g \sigma^2_y + \sigma^2_g \\ &= \cfrac{\sigma^2_g}{1 - \rho^2_g} \end{align}
but I can't see how this transformation helps me find $\sigma^2_g$. Apart from that I don't really know where to begin.