Linked Questions

243 votes
4 answers

When (and why) should you take the log of a distribution (of numbers)?

Say I have some historical data e.g., past stock prices, airline ticket price fluctuations, past financial data of the company... Now someone (or some formula) comes along and says "let's take/use ...
PhD's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Where does the logistic function come from?

I first learned the logistic function in machine learning, where it is just a function that map a real number to 0 to 1. We can use calculus to get the derivative and use it for some optimization ...
Haitao Du's user avatar
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16 votes
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What is the most appropriate way to transform proportions when they are an independent variable?

I thought I understood this issue, but now I'm not as sure and I'd like to check with others before I proceed. I have two variables, X and ...
Bajcz's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Why do we log transform response ratios?

In meta-analysis, it seems a standard practice to take the natural log of the response ratio before evaluating it. My question is why? That is, if I have a treatment mean (Xe) and a control mean of ...
Angela's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How does logistic growth rate coincide with the slope of the line in the exponential phase of the growth?

For a logistic function $$f(x) = \frac{L}{1 + e^{-k(x - x_0)}},$$ people call $k$ the logistic growth rate. Now, I have encountered this statement: In the log scale the logistic growth rate coincides ...
Dave's user avatar
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What order preserving transformation makes data more evenly spread, decreasing the peak, and fattening the tails of the distribution?

How can I transform a variable (non linear transformation) such that its values are more evenly spread, that is reduce the peak in the middle of the histogram and move more into tails?
user333's user avatar
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2 answers

How to back transform a folded root?

I have some data where the response variable is a proportion, and I am experimenting with transformation using Tukey's family of folded powers, $f(p) = p^\lambda - (1 - p)^\lambda$, with values of $\...
Izy's user avatar
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Box-Cox, log or arcsine transformation? [closed]

Box-Cox, log and arcsine transformations have the aim of make the data more Normal. My question is: how can I choose between each one of these transformations? Which assumptions do I need to have to ...
Rods2292's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Different ways of making a set of numbers (all between $0$ and $1$) to sum up to $1$

I have a set of numbers $S$, and for each $s_i\in S$, $0\lt s_i \lt 1$. I would like to transform them so that they sum up to $1$. An obvious way to do it is to calculate $t_i=\frac{s_i}{\sum_i{s_i}}$...
MLister's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How can I interpret the coefficient of a logit transformed explanatory variable in linear regression?

I fit a linear regression model with continuous response. One of my predictor variables is given in percentage. So I transformed the predictor with logit transformation. My question is how can I ...
user248399's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is the intuition behind the odds scale?

What is an intuitive explanation of the odds scale? In a logistic regression such as $$logit(p) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x$$ we often interpret $\beta_1$ by looking at the odds ratio, $e^{\beta_1}$, which ...
thomaskeefe's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Model proportions as independent variable for binary outcome

I've binary (disease) outcome: 0, 1 with certain independent variables in proportions, and other covariates as - age, sex. There are Packages that model proportions as outcome variable but not other ...
Death Metal's user avatar
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Is there any alternative way to Box-Cox transformations to stabilize the variance of a time series?

My question is straightforward: Is there any alternative way to Box-Cox transformations to stabilize the variance of a time series?
AlejandroDGR's user avatar
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Advantage of inputs/targets to be normally distributed?

Why is it advantageous for inputs/targets to most ML algorithms like neural nets to be normally distributed? I am not talking about mean normalization, but in some cases of skewed data, people perform ...
Rahul Deora's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a name for a $y=\sqrt[k]{x}$-like data normalization?

I'm normalizing multivariate numeric data that has both negative and positive values. For the sake of the question let's assume a range of e.g. $[-10000,10000]$ with a lot of values in $[-1,1]$. I've ...
geekoverdose's user avatar
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