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How to read multiple linear regression coefficients for dummy variables in Python? [duplicate]

I'm fairly certain this will be quickly answered but I couldn't find anything that addressed my specific use case. I'm running a multivariate linear regression using scikit-learn. I created dummies ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Interpreting OLS regression coefficients of set of dummies when dependent var is in ln form [duplicate]

I run a regression where I created a set of dummies to represent different intervals. I had set of 4 dummies, only included 3 in the regression so the one with the highest interval (experience) acts ...
Ala's user avatar
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How to Interpret Interaction Between Two Categorical Variables

I am having some difficulty attempting to interpret an interaction between two categorical/dummy variables. For example, lets say there is an interaction term between an individual's gender and her ...
Danny Brown's user avatar
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Interpretation of interaction term

I have a model: $$ \ln({\rm earnings}) = a+b_1{\rm female}+b_2{\rm white}+b_3{\rm female}\times{\rm white} $$ ${\rm female}$ and ${\rm white}$ are dummy variables. I have interpreted $b_1$ and $b_2$: ...
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How do I interpret a coefficient of a dummy variable in regards to several categorical variables?

Let's assume we have a regression model with variable age and two categorical variables: education and gender. 1st categorical variable woman man 2nd categorical variable no qualification higher ...
user2018454's user avatar
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Interpretation of regression coefficients with multiple categorical predictors

This question has an UPDATE. There is a nice answer HERE regarding how to interpret regression coefficients when predictors each consist of two categories in R. But ...
Simon Harmel's user avatar
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lme summary() interpretation

Need some help interpreting the summary() -function results. I am running a lme from the package nlme in R. I have a simple (...
tuhinokkaeläin's user avatar
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ANOVA with and without interactions giving different values for main effects

I have measured Copper content in fishing nets. I have 2 independent variables - treatment of the net with 4 levels and ...
Virolainen's user avatar
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Confused on the interpretation of regression coefficients

Let's suppose we have the following regression model: $$Y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1D_i+\beta_2D_iX_i+\epsilon_i$$ where $Y_i$ represents the test score of the i-th student, $D_i$ is a dummy variable that ...
nicefella's user avatar
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Interpreting logistic regression coefficients for a categorical variable

I got these results from a logistic regression in R. The data are the proportion of women elected in Uk elections, according to their party. As you can see, I used ...
Rafael Hernández Salazar's user avatar
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Understanding which categorical variable has a bigger influence on continuous dependent

I am running a linear regression for Explanatory purposes. Y is continuous and all the explanatory variables are categorical. I understand that the regression coefficient of these variables is the ...
Jojo's user avatar
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How to summarise binomial GLM output?

I have a binomial GLM: ...
Louise Wilson's user avatar
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What is the role of an intercept in testing the linear hypothesis b1 = -b2?

EDIT2: Possibly the short version of the question is just how would I test cat2 = cat3 in the STATA example in the link below I would like to test the hypothesis that $\beta_{typeprof} = -\beta_{...
hans0l0's user avatar
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Why weighted glm coefficients differ from weighted mean?

Let's consider the following dataframe: ...
msmazh's user avatar
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Logit regression interpretation

I am conducting a correlation study and have developed a logit model. I would like some help interpreting the interaction variable's coefficient. The coefficient of the interaction term smoking*...
Sabine's user avatar
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