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Hypothesis testing for mean difference of 2 samples

For example, \begin{array} {|r|r|}\hline & \text{Sample}\enspace X & \text{Sample}\enspace Y \\ \hline mean & 14 & 20 \\ \hline median & 5 & 5 \\ \hline \end{array} How ...
KatieN's user avatar
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We should verify first if the variances are equal with F-test before verify if the means are equal with t-test? [duplicate]

We have two samples with different sizes: 42 and 47 and we have to verify if the means of the two samples are equals. For verify this with t-test, we should verify first if the variances are ...
Math Info's user avatar
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Other statistical tests for paired data

Are there other statistical tests available to compare paired sets of data e.g. {1, 2, 2, 3, 4} v's {3, 3, 3, 2, 5} for similarity, aside from the paired Wilcoxon and paired Student t-test?
alan's user avatar
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probability of data ratio increasing

I have a data set of control and paired test values in which the control variability can be relatively high. I'd like to answer whether or not the the test values have increased relative to controls. ...
Jimbo's user avatar
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Hypothesis Testing (normality violated)

I have two sets of data, SetA and SetB - they are metrics of the same group from different time or paired. SetA score at 10 am and SetB score at 5 pm, same person (30 of them). I want to check if the ...
b t's user avatar
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What is the best way to compare means across groups if the data is not normally distributed, and sample sizes across groups can vary?

I am quite new to statistical analysis and have what is probably a newbie question. I have a dataset that contains year and state data for two different groups. I am trying to compare the group means ...
user's user avatar
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How do you determine if a given method for checking normality assumptions is appropriate? [duplicate]

If you intend to run some analysis like an ANOVA or linear regression that assumes normality, how do you determine if a given method for checking normality is appropriate? What kinds of issues should ...
sharoz's user avatar
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Testing for difference in means for utility of wealth

Assume you have 2 different investment strategies, A and B. You simulate how A and B perform on the same $N$ time series of returns and compute the resulting utility of wealth. $N$ is large, say ...
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