Linked Questions

13 votes
1 answer

What do we mean by hyperparameters? [duplicate]

Can anyone give me full details about what we mean by hyperparameters, and what in the Dirichlet distribution are called hyperparameters? A practice example for the estimation of those parameters ...
Kamel's user avatar
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What are the hyperparameters? [duplicate]

I find the meaning of hyperparameters not always clear. The hyperparameters are defined as "the parameters of the prior". Suppose that one has prior information about a certain parameter $\theta$. ...
Cavents's user avatar
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what is a parameter and hyperprameter [duplicate]

I hear in many articles the word parameters and hyperparameters but I don't know what they mean by that. Are they variable or the weights of the nodes? explain me in an intuitive way as an analogy ...
molo32's user avatar
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86 votes
2 answers

Bayes regression: how is it done in comparison to standard regression?

I got some questions about the Bayesian regression: Given a standard regression as $y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x + \varepsilon$. If I want to change this into a Bayesian regression, do I need prior ...
TinglTanglBob's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

What's in a name: hyperparameters

So in a normal distribution, we have two parameters: mean $\mu$ and variance $\sigma^2$. In the book Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, there suddenly appears a hyperparameter $\lambda$ in the ...
cgo's user avatar
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15 votes
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When to stop refining a model?

I have been studying statistics from many books for the last 3 years, and thanks to this site I learned a lot. Nevertheless one fundamental question still remains unanswered for me. It may have a very ...
Cagdas Ozgenc's user avatar
5 votes
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Estimation of Bayesian Ridge Regression

According to scikit-learn, by using a probabilistic model : $p(y|X,\omega,\alpha) = \mathcal{N}(y|X\omega,\alpha)$ with $\omega$ given by a spherical Gaussian: $p(\omega|\lambda) = \mathcal{N}(\...
Thien's user avatar
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2 votes
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What are the model parameters and hyperparameters of Random Forest classifier?

The parameters required for a Random Forest classifier are as follows: Depth, $d$ No. of random features, $K$ No. of trees, $I$ Randomizer seed, $R$ Which of the above are hyperparameters and which ...
Ébe Isaac's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Is it correct to do hyperparameter tuning based on validation error and not test error?

I am new in Statistics and Data Science. I would like to use "academic" data for training and testing for overfitting. However, I would like to get the classifier accuracy from "real-world" data and ...
user6903745's user avatar
2 votes
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How to use priors on the parameter number with an information criterion (AIC, BIC, …)?

Example The example is made up because I hope that it’s more accessible than my actual problem. I want to determine the number of planets of a star. I have: data for some astronomical observable of ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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0 votes
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Monte Carlo simulation or big samples

Suppose that we have a population that behaves as $N(1,\sigma^2)$, and we want to estimate $\sigma^2$. I would like to understand the difference between these two approaches: We take a sample $x_1,\...
user141404's user avatar
0 votes
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Selecting Bayesian priors for the dependent data

I have goal of measuring CTRs of several titles of an article on a website using Bayesian approach. In a simple setup, what one will do is to select Beta Prior (for example Uniform distribution) and ...
Sergio Kozlov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Type checking the Bayes formula

In the Bayes formula, $$ p(\theta|D) = \frac{ p(D|\theta) p(\theta) }{ p(D) } $$ which of $D, \theta$ should we regard as given and which as variables, which of the factors $p(\theta|D), p(D|\...
isolatedstudent's user avatar