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Interpreting the value of standard errors [duplicate]

After computing the standard error of regression, my answer is 3.55 what does the value mean
Anie's user avatar
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56 votes
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Interpretation of R's output for binomial regression

I'm quite new on this with binomial data tests, but needed to do one and now I´m not sure how to interpret the outcome. The y-variable, the response variable, is binomial and the explanatory factors ...
user40116's user avatar
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How can a t-test be statistically significant if the mean difference is almost 0?

I am trying to compare data from 2 populations to tell if the difference between the treatments is statistically significant. The data sets appear to be normally distributed with very little ...
Kscicc26's user avatar
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7 votes
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What exactly is the standard error of the intercept in multiple regression analysis?

I understand that in multiple regression analysis, for each independent variable, you would graph dependent variable vs independent variable and you would make a line of best fit and calculate the ...
EHMJ's user avatar
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Why are the number of false positives independent of sample size, if we use p-values to compare two independent datasets?

If I run the R code below, it will generate two independent vectors then test them to see if they are related in some way (i.e. p-value < 0.05). If I repeat this 1,000 times, then 50 of these (5%) ...
Contango's user avatar
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What is meant by correlation between intercept and slope(s)

I often hear (e.g., p. 99 of this book) that in a regression model (of any type), it is bad for slope(s) and intercept to be (highly) correlated. In R, this ...
rnorouzian's user avatar
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1 vote
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What is empirical standard error and how to calculate it from lm in R?

I read from some articles saying that "empirical standard error is the standard deviation of the point estimates. For a general linear model, the point estimates are the model coefficients, such ...
Arya's user avatar
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5 votes
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Relative importance of predictors - Standardized coefficients in Ordinal Logistic Regression

I am a 4th year psychology student. I need some help in understanding the coefficients in ORDINAL logistic regression. According to Williams (2009) "Using Heterogeneous Choice Models To Compare Logit ...
Anna van Moorst's user avatar
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Relationship between point estimation and confidence interval

Suppose I have a toy example for linear regression ...
Haitao Du's user avatar
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What does the standard error of my IV estimate tell me?

I have computed the IV estimate and the standard error of the IV estimate. Why do I care about its standard error?
user66800's user avatar
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What does a changed T-value caused by using stepwise regression indicate?

I am trying to understand the significance of the intercept in my model. The model was created using <-lm(target ~ ., train) and the intercept figures ...
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