Linked Questions

2 votes
1 answer

PCA demeaning the data [duplicate]

What is the motivation for demeaning the data when doing PCA. I've been told to do it, but I've never heard a good and/or intuitive reason for it. Is this a case where doing it just makes the math ...
lars's user avatar
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7 votes
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PCA on non-centered data [duplicate]

How does the mean influence PCA? What happens if I use PCA on data with a mean $\ne0$?
Donbeo's user avatar
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Is mean centering required in regression? if so, what does it do? [duplicate]

Let say we have a dataset, $\mathbf{X}$ of $m$ instances, and $n$ features, and a target scalar variable $\mathbf{y}$ ($m$ instances). Now I want to do a regression so, I try to fit a hyperplane $ y =...
user76170's user avatar
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What does it mean to compute eigenvectors of a covariance matrix if the data were not centered first? [duplicate]

Say $\mathbf{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times p}$ and $\boldsymbol{\Sigma} = \frac{1}{n}\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X}$. The eigenvector decomposition of $\boldsymbol{\Sigma}$ gives $\boldsymbol{\Sigma} = \mathbf{P}...
Vivek Subramanian's user avatar
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PCA Why covariance matrix? [duplicate]

At PCA why we find the Eigenvalues of the covariance matrix and not the eigenvalues of the matrix $A\times A^T$, where $A$ is the data matrix and $A^T$ its transpose? I saw a professor at YouTube who ...
ManosL's user avatar
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Centering variables before running PCA [duplicate]

I am learning about PCA, regarding PCA I need to know that given a dataset is it always necessary to use centering? what if I don't center the variables used in PCA?
darkage's user avatar
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220 votes
5 answers

How exactly does one “control for other variables”?

Here is the article that motivated this question: Does impatience make us fat? I liked this article, and it nicely demonstrates the concept of “controlling for other variables” (IQ, career, income, ...
JackOfAll's user avatar
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61 votes
3 answers

How does centering make a difference in PCA (for SVD and eigen decomposition)?

What difference does centering (or de-meaning) your data make for PCA? I've heard that it makes the maths easier or that it prevents the first PC from being dominated by the variables' means, but I ...
Zenit's user avatar
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37 votes
3 answers

PCA on correlation or covariance: does PCA on correlation ever make sense? [closed]

In principal component analysis (PCA), one can choose either the covariance matrix or the correlation matrix to find the components (from their respective eigenvectors). These give different results (...
Lucozade's user avatar
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43 votes
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Doing principal component analysis or factor analysis on binary data

I have a dataset with a large number of Yes/No responses. Can I use principal components (PCA) or any other data reduction analyses (such as factor analysis) for this type of data? Please advise how I ...
Cathy's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Questions on PCA: when are PCs independent? why is PCA sensitive to scaling? why are PCs constrained to be orthogonal?

I am trying to understand some descriptions of PCA (the first two are from Wikipedia), emphasis added: Principal components are guaranteed to be independent only if the data set is jointly normally ...
kakanana's user avatar
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23 votes
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Need for centering and standardizing data in regression

Consider linear regression with some regularization: E.g. Find $x$ that minimizes $||Ax - b||^2+\lambda||x||_1$ Usually, columns of A are standardized to have zero mean and unit norm, while $b$ is ...
rk2's user avatar
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10 votes
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User segmentation by clustering with sparse data

Imagine that I have 100k users and 1k categories. For each user, up to 5 categories, I know how much money they have spent. Obviously my data is very sparse. Now I want to group users by the money ...
bfaskiplar's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why does a PCA component have negative values when all inputs are strictly positive? [closed]

Let's say I have X1, X2, X3, and X4. All four variables are strictly positive (no values below zero). The variables are on different scales. I do a PCA on the four variables' correlation matrix and ...
user3210369's user avatar
6 votes
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Should I standardize or normalize variables before conducting a principal components analysis

I am very confused as I am reading through PCA. Some sources say that I should normalize my data before applying PCA, and some sources say that I should standardize my data before applying PCA. I know ...
lusicat's user avatar
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