Linked Questions

21 votes
4 answers

Why does regularization wreck orthogonality of predictions and residuals in linear regression?

Following up on this question... In ordinary least squares, the predictions and residuals are orthogonal. $$\sum_{i=1}^n\hat{y}_i (y_i - \hat{y}_i) = 0$$ If we estimate the regression coefficients ...
Dave's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Should $ R^2$ be calculated on training data or test data?

When calculating the $R^2$ value of a linear regression model, should it be calculated on the training dataset, test dataset or both and why? Furthermore, when calculating $SS_{\text{res}}$ and $SS_{\...
PyRsquared's user avatar
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2 answers

How to motivate the definition of $R^2$ in `sklearn.metrics.r2_score`?

TLDR: What motivates the definition of $R^2$ in the Python function sklearn.metrics.r2_score? DETAILS The Python machine learning package ...
Dave's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Interpreting nonlinear regression $R^2$

In ordinary least squares linear regression, $R^2=1-\frac{SSRes}{SSTotal}$ is described as the “proportion of variance explained”. Does this apply to nonlinear regression, too?
Dave's user avatar
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2 votes
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High AUC but low R squared in a random forest classifier

I have been looking for an answer on this website and on Google but I can't seem to find a clear explanation anywhere. The problem is the following. I built a Random Forest model (using Python's ...
LoicM's user avatar
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Is there a relation between the p-values of coefficients and the $R^2$ in an OLS regression? [closed]

I have a very simple question. I know that the R-squared is the proportion of the variance for a dependent variable that's explained by an independent variable or variables in a regression model. I ...
Tom's user avatar
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What is a good error function for regression on highly unbalanced data

I'm working with a dataset of bank loans, trying to predict which loans are going to default based on some pre-loan-subscription features (for instance, what's the credit grade of the borrower, or the ...
Jivan's user avatar
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How to distinguish two versions of R-squared calculated on test set?

I've come across two ways that people calculate R-squared on a test set: Calculate the square of the correlation between predictions and actual values (in practice, I've seen people do this in R by ...
Adrian's user avatar
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5 votes
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Calculating pseudo-$R^2$ for out-of-sample probit model forecasts

I'm trying to replicate parts of: Estrella, A., & Mishkin, F. S. (1998). Predicting U.S. Recessions: Financial Variables as Leading Indicators. Review of Economics and Statistics, 80(1), 45–61. ...
avs's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Regression hypothesis testing via out-of-sample testing

Let's consider two linear models. $$\text{Full model}\\\mathbb{E}\big{[}Y\big{\vert} X_1,\dots,X_p, X_{p+1},\dots,X_{p+k}\big{]}=\\\beta_0 + \bigg[\beta_1X_1+\dots + \beta_pX_p\bigg] + \bigg[\beta_{p+...
Dave's user avatar
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1 vote
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Adjusted R2 for LSTM

Background: I am working on a problem, where I am making predictions for a time-series data. I am considering two approaches: Use LSTM, predict n samples using recursive strategy (suggested e.g. in ...
Michał Panek's user avatar
1 vote
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Does it make sense to calculate R2 on splits of test data based on target value percentile?

I have an XGBoost regression model to predict a numeric target y. y is quite right-skewed when I plot histogram. For example, ...
volkan g's user avatar
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$R^2$ model comparison in test data

I want to compare two models of the form: ...
JacquieS's user avatar
3 votes
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Out-of-sample R square is NEGATIVE [closed]

The "Out-of-sample $R^2$" is defined as: $$ R^2_{OOS} = 1 - \frac{\sum_{t=\tau}^T\left(Y_t - \hat{Y}_{t\vert t-1}\right)^2}{\sum_{t=\tau}^T\left(Y_t - \hat{\mu}_{t\vert t-1}\right)^2} $$ ...
Alya's user avatar
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Which Forecast Evaluation Metric To Use?

It is a forecasting problem. I need an evaluation metric which penalizes under-predictions more than over-predictions. Also I want it's range in certain interval (say 0-100), so that it becomes easier ...
Shardul Pingale's user avatar

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