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Question about deviance in PROC GENMOD [duplicate]

Using the PROC GENMOD of SAS, in "Criteria For Assessing Goodness Of Fit", I got : Deviance = 0.6841 Scaled Deviance = 1.1002 I know that a model with too large ...
user44677's user avatar
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For an adequate fit of GLM models [duplicate]

I am trying to understand how to test for the goodness of fit in GLM regression. I am using an example from the book Davison and Hinkley (1997). In R, they fit the ...
mrb's user avatar
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Understanding lack of fit in logistic regression

How does one interpret the fact that a dataset has a poor fit / lack of fit with respect to a logistic regression model? I can make sense, for example, of a lack of fit in the case of a linear ...
MSIS's user avatar
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Should predicted probabilities from Logistic Regression correspond with percentages?

I have conducted a logistic regression in order to identify whether student status (student/non-student), time period (time 1, 2 or 3), or condition (condition 1 or condition 2) predict a binary ...
DrJay's user avatar
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Modelling a proportion

My outcome variable, 'sensitivity', is a continuous proportion ranging from 0 to 1, inclusive. For example, it indicates the percentage of instances in which my gold detector correctly identified the ...
CyG's user avatar
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linear mixed model with response variable with many zeros

My response variable is accuracy (0 or 1) with 10 trials per subject. I thought about treating the response variable as a percentage and logit-transforming it to deal with its boundedness so that the ...
panpsych77's user avatar
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GLM weights vs. identical observations

I was recently working on a homework assignment on binary GLMs and the following question came up when comparing solutions with a classmate. The data for the problem was given as a contingency table, ...
wzbillings's user avatar
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Log transformation in GLM and model fit

For a negative binomial GLM, are we allowed to write the log transformation in the following way? ...
Simpson's Paradox's user avatar
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Hosmer-Lemeshow GOF test in Matlab

I am trying to calculate the Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness-of-Fit (GOF) test, following the steps presented in the book "Logistic Regression. A Self- Learning Text" by David Kleinbaum and M. Klein. The ...
ouranos's user avatar
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How to plot a binomial GLM with a three way interaction?

I have the following model: <- glm(Presence/Total~Season*ToD*Site, family = binomial, weights = Total, data = all.dt) ...
Louise Wilson's user avatar
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Is my overdispersion too large in this quasibinomial model?

I have used a quasibinomial model on my data, but my overdispersion coefficient seems to be too large with a value of 40.78776. ...
user1607's user avatar
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Evaluating goodness of fit for Bernoulli glm [duplicate]

I am trying to fit a model estimating the success probability of the Bernoulli distributed random variable with the logistic link function. However, I am stuck with testing the goodness of fit of my ...
wruskrappy's user avatar
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What is the proper way to conduct chi-square test (and/or Hosmer-Lemeshow) on a binomial logistic regression? (GLM)

I am building a glm for machine learning purposes to predict value y. I want to test the following formula in all such of ways that is considered high academic standard. I have read COOLSerdash's ...
Christian R. Houen's user avatar