Linked Questions

1 vote
1 answer

Does multivariate regression produce the same results as multiple, single regressions? [duplicate]

I've read a variety of answers on this topic and as far as I can see, the consensus is that multivariate regression is different from multiple, individual linear regressions. I also understand that in ...
user275010's user avatar
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What does multivariate regression get us that several univariate regressions do not? [duplicate]

("Multivariate" regression in this post means a multidimensional response variable.) I have been playing with multivariate regression for the past two days, and I have noticed something that did not ...
Dave's user avatar
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Why bother with multivariate regression? [duplicate]

There are a few books out there on how to do multivariate regression, but of course the literature isn't as massive and detailed as univariate regression models. So why bother with multivariate ...
Kahi's user avatar
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Does multivariate multiple regression take into account correlated outcomes? [duplicate]

Thank you so much for your time. I am running an analysis where I explore the association of the same predictors across multiple outcomes (these outcomes are correlated). My understanding is that when ...
Emma's user avatar
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186 votes
11 answers

When is it ok to remove the intercept in a linear regression model?

I am running linear regression models and wondering what the conditions are for removing the intercept term. In comparing results from two different regressions where one has the intercept and the ...
analyticsPierce's user avatar
97 votes
7 answers

Explain the difference between multiple regression and multivariate regression, with minimal use of symbols/math

Are multiple and multivariate regression really different? What is a variate anyways?
Neil McGuigan's user avatar
154 votes
3 answers

Removal of statistically significant intercept term increases $R^2$ in linear model

In a simple linear model with a single explanatory variable, $\alpha_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \delta_i + \epsilon_i$ I find that removing the intercept term improves the fit greatly (value of $R^2$ ...
Ernest A's user avatar
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82 votes
2 answers

Multivariate multiple regression in R

I have 2 dependent variables (DVs) each of whose score may be influenced by the set of 7 independent variables (IVs). DVs are continuous, while the set of IVs consists of a mix of continuous and ...
Andrej's user avatar
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27 votes
8 answers

When forcing intercept of 0 in linear regression is acceptable/advisable [duplicate]

I have a regression model to estimate the completion time of a process, based on various factors. I have 200 trials of these processes, where the 9 factors being measured vary widely. When I perform a ...
Zack Newsham's user avatar
13 votes
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Why does statsmodels.api.OLS over-report the r-squared value?

I am using statsmodels.api.OLS to fit a linear regression model with 4 input-features. The shape of the data is: ...
dhrumeel's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Simple, multiple, univariate, bivariate, multivariate - terminology

I do realise (some of) this has already been addressed here (e.g., Why do we need multivariate regression (as opposed to a bunch of univariate regressions)?, Explain the difference between multiple ...
Tilen's user avatar
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8 votes
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How can MANOVA report a significant difference when none of the univariate ANOVAs reaches significance?

I would just like to ask if it is normal for the values from my multivariate tests to be significant but for the values from my univariate tests of between-subjects effects table to be insignificant. ...
kea's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why is it possible to have a non-significant MANOVA but multiple significant univariate ANOVAs?

The only source I have for this being possible is this wikiversity page on MANOVA, but it does not explain why it is possible.
user1205901 - Слава Україні's user avatar
12 votes
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Multivariate linear regression vs. several univariate regression models

In the univariate regression settings, we try to model $$y = X\beta +noise$$ where $y \in \mathbb{R}^n$ a vector of $n$ observations and $X \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}$ the design matrix with $m$ ...
Roy's user avatar
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2 votes
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Linear regression with vector outputs

Suppose I wanted to make a linear fit to a dataset with vector input and output, by minimizing the least square error. Then the square error equation would be $$E = \frac{1}{2}\sum_i(W\vec{x}^{(i)} - \...
Brain Stroke Patient's user avatar
2 votes
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Probing effects in a multivariate multiple regression

I'm trying to run a multivariate multiple regression in R, i.e. including multiple predictors and multiple outcome variables in the same linear regression model. Does anybody know how to pull out the ...
SimonsSchus's user avatar
4 votes
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Heteroscedasticity robust variance-covariance matrix for weighted multivariate regression

I need heteroscedasticity robust standard errors for a multivariate linear model (MLM) with weights. In R we usually use sandwich::vcovHC with type ...
jay.sf's user avatar
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Difference between several univariate regressions and one multivariate regression in a machine learning context

I know there are several other questions asking for the advantages of multivariate regression over several univariate regressions (e.g. this). I understand that the dependent variables can be ...
wehnsdaefflae's user avatar
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When to specify multivariate versus univariate priors on parameters?

Suppose a linear regression model: $$y \sim Normal(\beta X, \sigma)$$ For our purposes, assume $y$ is a univariate outcome and $X$ is a design matrix containing an intercept and one additional ...
socialscientist's user avatar
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multi-response forecasting

General Dear community, I really struggle with some imporant issues for my next project. In general, the investigation is about multi-response forecasting with financial data. The predicability of the ...
Bruno's user avatar
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A method to avoid running several regression models?

Sometimes I have a research question where I have maybe 10 different outcomes and I am interested in whether any of these 10 outcomes are associated with several other variables, such as weight, ...
Paze's user avatar
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