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multiple curve fitting on scatter plot [duplicate]

I have the following problem: Let's assume we have a dataset with X and Y values. If we plot them on a scatter plot it would look somehow like the following graph: If we have a look at this, we see ...
pexmar's user avatar
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How do I calculate two linear regressions in one dataset [duplicate]

First of all, apologies if I am not using the correct terminology to describe the problem. I have a dataset of two variables, which looks like this: There are clearly two groups of points. I want to ...
point618's user avatar
18 votes
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Fitting an Orthogonal Grid to Noisy Points

I have a list of coordinates that are meant to form an orthogonal grid that could be rotated. The grid is not necessarily uniform. The rotation is not typically greater than 10°. The coordinates are ...
Jakub's user avatar
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"Least square root" fitting? A fitting method with multiple minima

I am looking for the name of a fitting method that will work even if points from multiple dataseries are meshed together. As far as I understand there are two major methods, least squares and least ...
HugoRune's user avatar
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detect line in scatter

I have repeated samples from the following process: Most samples will only contain points that are randomly distributed on a 2-dimensional plane. Sometimes, however, the sample will contain not only ...
RoyalTS's user avatar
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How to cluster parts of broken line made of points?

I am studying clustering techniques and i am pretty new at this topic. Here is my problem: I created a 5 lines which are made of points. This lines are supposed to be continuous and they look like ...
Federico Gentile's user avatar
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Find one slope on dataset with two y-intercepts?

I have some analysis that compares relative velocity shifts between regions. I have a representative sample below (in reality there are more regions -- this is for clarity). Assume that I have a ...
JBWhitmore's user avatar
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detect line in geocoordinates

I have repeated samples of geocoordinates of activities in a city. In most of these samples positions will simply be random. In some samples, however, some percentage of the data will be arranged -- ...
RoyalTS's user avatar
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Is there a name for data that, when plotted, seem to have two (or more) distinct trends?

I have the following plot, which appears to have two pretty distinct trends. The plots shown here and here depict similar situations. Is there a name for data that have two or more distinct trends, ...
David Moore's user avatar
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Find linear subsets in a 2D point (xy) data [duplicate]

My problem is the very idea of how to start the analysis of 2D point patterns, specifically how to find linear trends within their spatial pattern. I have XY data points which are organized like in ...
Fedja Blagojevic's user avatar
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Fitting a Vertical Line to Points on a Plot

I have the following data, which produced the following plot. ...
David Moore's user avatar
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finding multiple linear regression lines [closed]

This data t value 1 1 2 0 3 4 4 2 5 2 6 5 7 3 8 4 9 6 10 4 11 6 12 7 13 5 14 8 15 8 16 6 17 10 18 9 19 7 20 12 Represents actually 3 straight lines (1,2,3,....), (0,2,4,...
IttayD's user avatar
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What would be the best way to find N clusters equally separated, ignoring outliers?

I am working on a computer vision problem (chessboard recognition), and my goal is to find the lines that correspond to the chessboard lines. I want to do this via Hough transform, since said lines ...
Alessandro Zanoli's user avatar