Linked Questions

4 votes
2 answers

Stepwise binary logistic regression, Forward or Backward?

I want to run a binary logistic regression to understanding (modeling) factors affecting nest-site selection in a bird species. I have Presence/Absence data and 13 predictors. The sample size is small....
Mostafa Ahmadi's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What is the problem with $p > n$?

I know that this is the solving system of linear equation problem. But my question is why it is a problem the number of observation is lower than the number of predictors how can that thing happen? ...
EconBoy's user avatar
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Can we apply stepwise forward or backward variables selection in negative binomial regression in SPSS?

I am trying to adjust my covariates in a model. My dependent variable is count data variance is greater than mean which means I have to apply negative binomial regression, main independent variable (...
Manisha Hamal's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Backwards stepwise regression, collinearity and regression to the mean

My research paper was recently rejected and some of the feedback I received was in relation to the statistical tests done/not done. I would like help in clarifying what I could do differently as the ...
lighthouse's user avatar
2 votes
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Stepwise regression for Bayesian models

Why isn't stepwise regression, like backward elimination, used for Bayesian models? What is generally used to find insignificant variables in bayesian methods? Or does one simply not worry about ...
user69874's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to run backward elimination in $R$ with both categorical data and numeric data? [closed]

Usually in backward elimination, we start with the full model of all covariates, check the $p$-value of $t$-statistic for each covariate (which is compared between the full model and the model minus ...
The One's user avatar
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Backward elimination for a non-linear multivariate regression

I'm trying to determine what would be a good model for my problem. I am not a statistician and use some words colloquially - please excuse my lack of knowledge. I'll illustrate the problem with the <...
Gautam's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I do Stepwise Method if only independent variables are given? [closed]

This is the data set How can I determine if this 4 groups differed significantly in their performance
Steven Alex's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Multiple regression with few observations and many variables

I have data about 40 stores described by 50+ continuous variables in terms of customer behaviour (types of purchases, demographic attributes, etc). I want to build a simple regression model to explain ...
Strabonio's user avatar
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Add a covariate to binary logistic regression that backward Wald removed?

I have two explanatory variables A, B and two potential confounders M, N that I also want to check for interactions. So, my ...
buttonsrtoys's user avatar
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Can you infer that non-significant variables in full model won't be chosen by stepwise regression methods?

I recently encountered this question twice, on my exam. If you fit a full MLR additive, model, can you infer that the insignificant predictors (p-value > 0.05 from lm output) will not be chosen ...
CodusOProgrammatus's user avatar