Linked Questions

4 votes
1 answer

Relationship between Binomial distribution and the Beta distribution [duplicate]

I have been investigating the details of the Beta distribution and the Binomial distribution and have 2 questions to ask, but first a slight preamble to explain the background to my questions. In the ...
AJR's user avatar
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Show that $P(X \ge r ) = P (Y \le p)$ [duplicate]

Let $ X \sim \text{Bin}(n,p) $ and $ Y \sim \text{Beta}(r,n-r+1) $. Show , without integration by parts, that $P(X \ge r ) = P (Y \le p)$. From which point of view I answer this question.
A.D's user avatar
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The tail distribution of a binomial distribution can be expressed in terms of an appropriate beta distribution function - Explanation [duplicate]

I was reading the paper: "Estimating Probabilities of Default for Low Default Portfolios" by Katja Pluto and Dirk Tasche and they mention the following: The tail distribution of a binomial ...
Laura González Gaitán's user avatar
5 votes
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One Sigma error and 68% tolerance interval

I have first a clarifying question, and second, a question asking about how to do something, depending on the answer to the first question. Suppose you have a set of data of some PDF which is non-...
zephyr's user avatar
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10 votes
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A farmer is growing a magical tree

This is not homework. It's a story I came up with to explain a statistical distribution I became interested in. If this is a known distribution, I'd love to be pointed in that direction. A farmer has ...
Connor McCormick's user avatar
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Why is the beta distribution so flat when a, b=1?

If the beta distribution is a prior of a Bernoulli distribution (i.e. a rate of success for a binary outcome), then it is completely counterintuitive to me that the beta distribution should be ...
Spencer Torene's user avatar
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Bayes Billiard Balls

I am reading the book Introduction to Probability by Joe Blitzstein, and I came across the following problem. Using a story show that for any integers $k$ and $n$ with $0 \le k \le n$, \begin{equation*...
Supreeth Narasimhaswamy's user avatar
1 vote
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How to convert the parameters in a binomial distribution to those in a beta distribution?

I know that the beta distribution is the generalized continuous case of the discrete binomial distribution. Let's say I have a binomial distribution, $B(N,p)$. I would like to know the corresponding $\...
Matthew Hui's user avatar
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Densities of Arrival Times of Poisson Process

People arrive at a store as a non-homogeneous Poisson process with rate t, where t is the time measured in hours between noon and 6pm. If we know that precisely one person arrived in the first hour, ...
baked goods's user avatar
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Probability distribution for a proportion based on (continuous) quantities

I have a problem related with probability distributions and parameter estimation, which comes from a real case. I would be very grateful if you could help me. Let us suppose that we have a continuous ...
Vicent's user avatar
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What is the density of the $m$'th element of a sorted vector of $n$ uniformly distributed random variables

$X_1, X_2, ..., X_n$ are independent and uniformly distributed on $[0, 1]$. Sorting them yields a vector, whose first and last element have densities that are just the derivatives of products of CDFs. ...
Coolwater's user avatar
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PCA on count-based fractions, taking uncertainties into account

I'm looking to do a PCA analysis on count based data itself rather than averages. I'm hoping this will help for variable observation depths; for example, 3/4 reads is not really equivalent to 15/20. ...
Jautis's user avatar
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What is the variance of the mean, conditional on being between two order statistics or quantiles?

Suppose I have a simple random sample drawn from a population with a known distribution on some population characteristic like height or income, with probability density function (pdf) $f(x)$. Order ...
andrewH's user avatar
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Binomial CDF - Wikipedia vs Reality

The Binomial distribution article on Wikipedia defines the binomial CDF as $F_{Bin(n,p)}(k) = I_{1-p}(n-k, k+1)$, where $I$ is the regularized incomplete beta function. There is a proof for the ...
Yuval Lewi's user avatar
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Gamma PDF parameter interpretations

I'm reading about the Gamma distribution, but I'm struggling to understand what these parameters mean in a canonical sense. It was my belief that as Beta is to Binomial, Gamma is to Poisson. However, ...
jbuddy_13's user avatar
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