Linked Questions

26 votes
2 answers

Why do lme and aov return different results for repeated measures ANOVA in R?

I am trying to move from using the ez package to lme for repeated measures ANOVA (as I hope I will be able to use custom ...
Henrik's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

Post hoc test after ANOVA with repeated measures using R

I have performed a repeated measures ANOVA in R, as follows: aov_velocity = aov(Velocity ~ Material + Error(Subject/(Material)), data=scrd) summary(aov_velocity) ...
L_T's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Post hoc test in a 2x3 mixed design ANOVA using SPSS?

I have two groups of 10 participants who were assessed three times during an experiment. To test for differences between groups and across the three assessments, I ran a 2x3 mixed design ANOVA with <...
Federico's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Comparing two genetic algorithms

I have two implementations of a genetic algorithm which are supposed to behave equivalently. However due to technical restrictions which cannot be resolved their output is not exactly the same, given ...
nisc's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can I have an example of pairwise comparisons of data against a within-subject factor?

Here is an ANOVA model with one between-subject factor (condition; 4 levels) and one within-subject factor (trial_seq; 20 levels). ...
jiggysoo's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Non-parametric test for repeated measures and post-hoc single comparisons in R?

Some attribute $x$ of 17 individuals was recorded repeatedly on 6 time points using a Likert scale with 7 distractors. Which statistical test(s) can I apply to check whether the changes along the 6 ...
saschaview's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Usage of the Friedman test

I have done an experiment in which I have measured the energy required to chew three different food samples on 10 subjects with 3 repetitions per sample. I am interested therefore in finding out ...
Yadira González's user avatar
0 votes
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post hoc testing for a one way repeated measure between subject ANOVA

I am trying to determine what the appropriate post hoc testing for a one way repeated measure between subject ANOVA. Would it be appropriate to use a Tukey test in this scenario?
sarahmbr's user avatar
3 votes
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What are the possible multiple comparison methods for paired data?

I have been working with simulations, among them scheduling simulations. Each simulation chooses the number of steps, the arrival rate of new jobs and the duration of each step for each job. Thus, ...
Jacques Wainer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Between subject post-hoc tests in an ANOVA with repeated measurements

I run an ANOVA with two factors A & B and repeated measurements. Now, I'm mostly interested in the interaction effect of the two factors A*B and would like to do some post-hoc tests in the form of ...
statchrist's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to look at two different (but related) averages within a population

I'm looking at two plant categories (all species fall into one type or the other) at several different types of locations. Within each type of location, I have several samples, so I have an average of ...
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