Linked Questions

269 votes
15 answers

What are the differences between Factor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis?

It seems that a number of the statistical packages that I use wrap these two concepts together. However, I'm wondering if there are different assumptions or data 'formalities' that must be true to use ...
Brandon Bertelsen's user avatar
168 votes
5 answers

What's the difference between principal component analysis and multidimensional scaling?

How are PCA and classical MDS different? How about MDS versus nonmetric MDS? Is there a time when you would prefer one over the other? How do the interpretations differ?
Stephen Turner's user avatar
146 votes
6 answers

Should one remove highly correlated variables before doing PCA?

I'm reading a paper where author discards several variables due to high correlation to other variables before doing PCA. The total number of variables is around 20. Does this give any benefits? It ...
type2's user avatar
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86 votes
6 answers

Is there any good reason to use PCA instead of EFA? Also, can PCA be a substitute for factor analysis?

In some disciplines, PCA (principal component analysis) is systematically used without any justification, and PCA and EFA (exploratory factor analysis) are considered as synonyms. I therefore ...
Carine's user avatar
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72 votes
8 answers

Is PCA followed by a rotation (such as varimax) still PCA?

I have tried to reproduce some research (using PCA) from SPSS in R. In my experience, principal() function from package psych ...
Roman Luštrik's user avatar
89 votes
4 answers

How to visualize what canonical correlation analysis does (in comparison to what principal component analysis does)?

Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) is a technique related to principal component analysis (PCA). While it is easy to teach PCA or linear regression using a scatter plot (see a few thousand examples ...
figure's user avatar
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53 votes
4 answers

Why does the correlation coefficient between X and X-Y random variables tend to be 0.7

Taken from Practical Statistics for Medical Research where Douglas Altman writes in page 285: ...for any two quantities X and Y, X will be correlated with X-Y. Indeed, even if X and Y are ...
nostock's user avatar
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102 votes
1 answer

What correlation makes a matrix singular and what are implications of singularity or near-singularity?

I am doing some calculations on different matrices (mainly in logistic regression) and I commonly get the error "Matrix is singular", where I have to go back and remove the correlated variables. My ...
Error404's user avatar
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57 votes
4 answers

Would PCA work for boolean (binary) data types?

I want to reduce the dimensionality of higher order systems and capture most of the covariance on a preferably 2 dimensional or 1 dimensional field. I understand this can be done via principal ...
Alvin Nunez's user avatar
54 votes
2 answers

Multiple regression or partial correlation coefficient? And relations between the two

I don't even know if this question makes sense, but what is the difference between multiple regression and partial correlation (apart from the obvious differences between correlation and regression, ...
user avatar
45 votes
1 answer

What is the intuitive reason behind doing rotations in Factor Analysis/PCA & how to select appropriate rotation?

My Questions What is the intuitive reason behind doing rotations of factors in factor analysis (or components in PCA)? My understanding is, if variables are almost equally loaded in the top ...
GeorgeOfTheRF's user avatar
33 votes
1 answer

Best factor extraction methods in factor analysis

SPSS offers several methods of factor extraction: Principal components (which isn't factor analysis at all) Unweighted least squares Generalized least squares Maximum Likelihood Principal Axis Alpha ...
Placidia's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

What are the assumptions of factor analysis?

I want to check if I really understood [classic, linear] factor analysis (FA), especially assumptions that are made before (and possibly after) FA. Some of the data should be initially correlated and ...
Sihem's user avatar
  • 343
22 votes
1 answer

What is the proper association measure of a variable with a PCA component (on a biplot / loading plot)?

I am using FactoMineR to reduce my data set of measurements to the latent variables. The variable map above is clear for me to interpret, but I am confused when ...
Fredrik Nylén's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

Methods to compute factor scores, and what is the "score coefficient" matrix in PCA or factor analysis?

As per my understanding, in PCA based on correlations we get factor (= principal component in this instance) loadings which are nothing but the correlations between variables and factors. Now when I ...
Kartikeya Pandey's user avatar

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