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How to adjust a confounder in pre-post analyis

I have a paired-dataset of pre and post-surgery measurements of certain biomarkers. I have done a paired t-test to find if there is a difference in the levels of a biomarker, say x1, before and after ...
arshad's user avatar
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Unmeasured covariate adjustment

A study was presented where the authors used multivariable logistic regression to assess association between a risk factor and an incident disease outcome. The association was statistically ...
bobmcpop's user avatar
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Adjusting simultaneously for multiple confounders

I am having trouble understanding how to adjust for confounders in a basic statistical analysis. As a simple example, assume I want to know whether the weight of group of sick subjects and a group of ...
NewInstatistics's user avatar
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How can I adjust for gender bias in age categories?

This is a hypothetical question about accounting for a confounding factor. I have an actual study but I'm not sure how best to explain, so I'm using a simplified example below. Apologies is this ...
Sam's user avatar
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Comment on the change in p-value following adjustment for confounders

The Second Australian National Blood Pressure Study (ANBP2) was a prospective, randomised, open-labelled, blinded to endpoint (PROBE) trial of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors versus ...
Bery's user avatar
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How to adjust for confounding variables across different study periods?

I have a continuous & categorical outcome variables in three groups of patients, where the groups are defined by time periods 2010-2011, 2012-2014, 2015-2016. I found out that age and gender are ...
HNSKD's user avatar
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Methodological question: adjusting for confounders in logistic regression

I have three attributes in a dataset (D0), representing the binary response of success or failure (R), some form of treatment or treatment group (T), and a potential confounder (C) respectively. ...
tohweizhong's user avatar