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Multiple minimally sufficient adjustment sets in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG): Which unbiased estimate should be presented?

Assume that you want to estimate the effect of $X$ (exposure) on $Y$ (outcome). A common question is: What variables should we adjust for in our model in order to get an unbiased estimate of the ...
COOLSerdash's user avatar
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Age-adjustment (and its realization with mgcv): add age as covariate to the regression or do an internal standardization?

This question consists of two - but possibly related - parts. Question #1 We have data on the occurrence of a disease in several age groups over several years. We try to investigate the secular ...
Tamas Ferenci's user avatar
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Adjusting confounders

I'm conducting a case-control study consisted of 32 males and 35 females matched by age and gender with controls. Do I have to control for gender when I do the statistical analysis?
Reem M.Al Haj's user avatar
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Using person-time, instead of number of persons, for period pervalene

Let's say we want to calculate the period prevalence of Type-1 diabetes (assume treatment is always necessary) during the last year in a tourist city with highly dynamic population (a lot of in/out). ...
Orion's user avatar
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