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calculation of cox-adjusted survival curves

In order to leverage a cox model for calculating adjusted survival curve - one must estimate the baseline hazard function. To my understanding this has to be estimated (non parametrically) for ...
Biased estimator's user avatar
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P-value adjustment for different classes each tested individually

Testing the effect of a certain gene on survival of two different but somehow related (brain cancer GBM and LGG) patients, with each cancer (GBM or LGG) having several subtypes, how should I adjust ...
biofan's user avatar
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How to do a survival curve adjusted to age in SPSS? [closed]

I have to do a survival curve comparing 3 diseases. Already did a Kaplan Meier since time of diagnosis, and the log rank was p-0.001; however I suspect that it has to do with age (one disease is ...
Cristina Ponte's user avatar
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Should the Kaplan-Meier p-value be adjusted if new data are added?

The event of interest is subscription purchase and the time variable is days since the creation of the subscription trial within an AB Test. The stakeholders want to monitor the progress each day as ...
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