Questions tagged [age]

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0 votes
1 answer

Choosing a statistical method to measure differences in age groups while accounting for sex

I am looking at one kind of measurement in 4 groups Young males, young females, senior males, senior females. Whereas I am mainly concerned at looking at the differences between young and old, I don't ...
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Finding similar localities based on age demographics

I'm using the Australian Census data to find similar towns based on their age demographics. Some locations show a large young population, some more working age, some older with a greater number of ...
6 votes
4 answers

"Decade" variable ranging over 130 years - Can I treat this as continuous? I've seen it done with 8pt scales...but it doesn't past the smell test

My dataset includes "decade founded" but not "year founded" for organizations. I need to include some "maturity" variable in the model. Decade is the best I have. The ...
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1 answer

Regression analysis with raw value or age related t score

I’m planning a regression analysis. The outcome is the score of an achievement test. Assuming there are 120 items and a person has answered 90 items correctly, the person gets a raw value of 90. This ...
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Comparing the age distribution between my sample and population

my data has 3 variables: category (age categories), frequency from my sample (count_s) and frequency from the population (count_s). The "category" variable has 6 categories where I have ...
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Cox proportional hazards and age of diagnosis

I'm trying to understand factors that are associated with age of diagnosis of a condition "X". This has been done in a retrospective cross-sectional study, where people are recruited if they ...
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Both quadratic and linear term are insignificant

I am trying to fit a model which has age as a control variable and mental health score as my dependent variable. I centered the age because 0 is not meaningful in my analysis. I tried age, age^2, log(...
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1 answer

How to model a covariate for age in my cox prediction model

I'm currently doing a prediction model using Cox regression on a dataset coming from an ongoing clinical database and containing information about patients who all have the same genetic disease. In it,...
3 votes
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Including both Age and Year in mixed effects model?

Study Longitudinal study of forest GrowthRates across time. 28 plots across 80 years, ~14 samples for each plot. Current model: ...
9 votes
2 answers

How to find average and median age from an aggregated frequency table

I am using excel and I am trying to find both the average age and median age. I have two columns. 1 for the category and the other for the number of people in each category. ...
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Valid statistical test for difference in age between two time points (for a cohort with additional membership)

The question at hand is whether the membership for an organisation has 'aged' from 2016 to 2021. 2021 membership is made up of 2016 members who continued to 2021 and new members from 2016 and 2021. ...
5 votes
4 answers

Re-check boxplot after outlier removal

I have a sample of 608 subjects and I need to remove outliers for age. In R, the boxplot appears like this: It shows 74 outliers: ...
1 vote
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The effect of age in panel data, when adding year dummies

I have a question that is slightly related to this question. I think my issue however requires a closer look because in my case, age is not the control variable, ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to group countries with similar age distributions?

How can I group the world's 200-odd countries into (say) ten groups, with each group's countries having 'similar' age distributions? I want to compare COVID-19 fatality rates across countries. But the ...
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Life table based on age groups

I am working on panel attrition (loss of respondents at each wave of follow-up of a longitudinal survey). A multivariate model (discrete-time event history analysis) to analyse panel attrition is ...
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1 answer

What model to use for analyzing age frequency data? issues with linear model in R

I have this data in R and I'm trying to statistically analyze whether high age zeros (column n) in each year is significantly correlated to the next years age 1 fish (n.1), and the next years age 2 ...
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2 answers

How to approximate sample mean age of people in a survey from grouped data

I am trying to calculate the approximate mean age of people that participated in a survey. I have 4 age groups: $[0,15);\,[15,35);\,[35,55)$ and $[55,75).$ For each group age I have the number of ...
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0 answers

Age-adjusted rate across many years

I have incidence-level data for heart disease that includes patient age and region. I calculated disease counts by region and now I want to calculate an age-adjusted rate for each region. The data ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to do a survival curve adjusted to age in SPSS? [closed]

I have to do a survival curve comparing 3 diseases. Already did a Kaplan Meier since time of diagnosis, and the log rank was p-0.001; however I suspect that it has to do with age (one disease is ...
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Cut off age for mortality data

I have data with death rates for each year 1921 to 2014; and for each age 0 to 110 as below: ...
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0 answers

The best estimate of age of a person in social network

Suppose that we have any social network (i.e. we know who is a friend of whom) and for some nodes in the network (i.e. the users), we also know their age (but not for everyone, as in a real network). ...
1 vote
1 answer

Binary classification for imbalanced distribution of target/response class for age

I'm trying to build/train model that depends on many attributes where age is the most important one (it has significant impact on AUC). Overall target class count is quite balanced (+40% vs. -60%) ...
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1 answer

Predicting risk factors

i'm trying to find predictive risk factors i already found out that young age at diagnosis is a risk factor ( binary logistic regression) But now i want to know the exact age when the risk is highest....
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1 answer

How to control for age in analyzing longitudinal data using mixed effects regression

I am analyzing a longitudinal dataset. Elderly subjects perform a cognitive test once a year, for five consecutive years. I want to know if there is a decline in their performance through the study ...
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Kruskal-Wallis across 3 groups non-significant, but regression of the same data very significant

I have an issue regarding the significance of an association that I can't seem to get my head around, because using one statistical test it is significant and using another, it is non-significant (...
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0 answers

Analyzing tritomous categorical variable between- and within-groups

I have data examining a decision task across age groups. For the decision task, responses are categorical and coded into 3 possible decision types (A, B, C) that are mutually exclusive and exhaustive ...
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0 answers

relationship between male gender and age variance

I would like to ask for help on the next question: In a logistic regression model, the male gender increased the risk of acut myocardial infarction at older age population, but in the young age ...
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1 answer

how can I calculate age-adjusted z score?

I'd like to know if there's a way to calculate z-score adjusted for age in SPSS. then, I want to use age-adjusted z-score as a dependent variable in path analysis.
3 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to adjust age and gender with binary logistic regression for a continuous dependent variable?

In my study, I have two groups and compared them in terms of blood stem cell levels, which was not distributed normally. For adjusting for age and gender when comparing groups, it is suggested to use ...
2 votes
0 answers

Survival Analysis - age censoring/bias in independent categorical variables

I suspect that this is a - if not trivial - common question that betrays me as a newbie. Anyhow, here goes... I have data that reflects behaviours of different demographic groups. There are 10 ...
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3 answers

Comparing the age distribution of two groups with different sample sizes

I have a dataset regarding a hotel. I am trying to compare the age distribution of two groups: Leisure and business. The sample sizes of these groups are not equal. The business group has 12.4k ...
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1 answer

Longitudinal design: Which method to use if the dependent variable was measured during fewer occasions than the predictors?

I have a longitudinal dataset with 8 repeated measurement occasion and approximately 100 cases. Some of the explanatory variables are time-variant, other stay the same over time. Some might be ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to calculate age and sex-adjusted z-scores in SPSS

I have a large data set in SPSS which includes triceps skinfold measurements for children at various ages. I would like to create z-scores for these measurements which adjust for sex and age... is ...
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0 answers

How can i Age adjust the proportions of my covariates in a multiple stratified data set?

I am doing a cross sectional analysis in a huge data set. The initial descriptive analysis is stratified by gender, 4 calendar periods and smoking status which gives me the proportions within the ...
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0 answers

Modelling nonlinear change of outcome in population with unbalanced longitudinal data

I would like to flexibly model the development of some continuous outcome of interest as a nonlinear function of age, using longitudinal data with rather strong imbalance (i.e., most individuals cover ...
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2 answers

Interaction of risk factor with age in survival model with age as time scale

I'm currently looking into survival analysis regression models and can't quite wrap my head around the following: Say I want to model time to occurrence of a cardiovascular event and use age (as ...
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0 answers

Best way to calculate a specific median

I have a strange question about calculating median. Context : I have a listing with people who subscribe to an insurance : They subscribe from DATE A to DATE B (at date B, they leave because they ...
3 votes
1 answer

Getting the optimal age cut off

I am working with a database of diseased and non-diseased patients. I would like to recommend an optimal age cut off for disease screening. The common problem with screening is that it creates a ...
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2 answers

Controlling for age in multiple regression

I am a little stuck on what how to implement and interpret a multiple regression while controlling for age. I am interested in seeing if there is a positive relationship between depression and use ...
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1 answer

Estimating age distribution from first names

Is it possible to estimate an age distribution of a specific population (e.g. actors, customers, etc.) from a list of their first names? Given that data of the number of individuals grouped by birth ...
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0 answers

How to treat age-specific left-censored data

I would like to study how the death of a respondent's parent affects his personality (or whatever DV). I have an age of respondent, and also an age when respondent lost his parent. The problem is that ...
7 votes
2 answers

Is there a word for the phenomenon that the old are generally less affected by risk factors?

In epidemiology, this occurs often: Old people are less prone to the influence of risk factors. For example, the Framingham risk score, which tries to estimate cardiovascular risk, gives 8 or 9 points ...
3 votes
1 answer

Pros and cons of controlling for age when examining effect of cognition on driving performance

I am reviewing some studies on the relationship between cognition and driving. Some studies have controlled for age and some have not (age is correlated with cognition. Can anyone please provide any ...