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Questions tagged [algebraic-statistics]

Use for questions relating to algebraic statistics, the branch of statistical theory concerned with methods from abstract algebra, especially algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. This tag is not for questions about the applications of linear algebra to statistics, nor for questions about grade school algebra in statistical problems.

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12 votes
2 answers

Algebraic Geometry for Statistics

I have heard about uses of Algebraic Geometry in Statistics and Machine Learning. I wanted to try to learn a bit about this topics. I don't know nearly anything about Algebraic Geometry, but I have ...
11 votes
4 answers

What are important pure mathematics courses for a prospective statistics PhD student?

I know that linear algebra and analysis (especially measure theory) are important. Is it helpful to take graduate level courses in real and complex analysis? Should I take courses in abstract algebra ...
9 votes
2 answers

Cases where TDA outperforms public benchmarks?

Precise Question What are some specific examples where topological data analysis (TDA) outperforms other models on publicly available data? Context When new ML algorithms are developed, it seems ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Are permutation groups used in statistics?

I was told that there may be a connection between concepts in abstract algebra and applications in statistics (also confirmed by the 'algebraic statistics' tag on this website). I had no idea, so I'm ...
SumsArentDumb's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Design of Experiments through Algebraic Statistics [closed]

I would like to ask you about how to compute a circuit basis of a design matrix in software R. Let me explain: I have found a software, named Macaulay2, that calculates some algebraic tools, and one ...
Vasilis T.'s user avatar