Questions tagged [auc]

AUC stands for the Area Under the Curve and usually refers to the area under the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve.

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4 votes
2 answers

How to compare two plots - an alternative for AUC?

Below I attached an example which I would like to analyze. Let's for the example purposes assume, that these plots show the activity of two different drugs which were tested. On the Y axis we have "...
Rechlay's user avatar
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7 votes
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In cross-validation, which is the AUC population parameter I really want to estimate?

In machine learning, AUC is usually used as a performance metric of an algorithm. As one is interested in the performance of the algorithm when applied to new cases beyond those used during the ...
Massimiliano Grassi's user avatar
5 votes
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AUC vs.Class imbalance in both training data and test data [closed]

I have three datasets as below. They are about the same prediction task. Data 1: Training data: 95% positive instances and 5% negative instances Test data: 95% positive instances and 5% negative ...
Munichong's user avatar
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27 votes
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AUC and class imbalance in training/test dataset

I just start to learn the Area under the ROC curve (AUC). I am told that AUC is not reflected by data imbalance. I think it means that AUC is insensitive to imbalance in test data, rather than ...
Munichong's user avatar
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Why I can't optimize AUC curve with Stochastic Gradient Descent?

I am reading in different papers that it is impossible to optimize AUC in term of gradient descent, due to its non differentiability. I can't find any reference about this issue with a better ...
emanuele's user avatar
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Wanted: Statistical test to compare array with single value [duplicate]

I am comparing ROC AUC values for different feature selection methods. Some methods are deterministic and output the same AUC score every time and some methods are non-deterministic and output ...
mcb's user avatar
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Which Bootstrap for Confidence Interval of AUC with Leave-Pair-Out-Cross-Validation?

I have to calculate the CI of the AUC (Roc) for a series of classifiers (e.g. Lasso, Random Forest, SVM) learned using the same test dataset, in order to identify the best model for this problem (...
Massimiliano Grassi's user avatar
-1 votes
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ROC AUC score significance [duplicate]

I used the sklearn.metric roc_auc_score,it gave me a value 0.91. What is the does this number mean? I am interested to learn how this is calculated,could someone ...
swetha's user avatar
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imbalanced dataset

I am working on a classification problem with a highly imbalanced dataset. The ratio background to signal is about 20. I trained an xgboost model. The ROC curve looks perfect and ROC_auc is also ...
user1877600's user avatar
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Cause of Very low AUC during 10-fold Cross-Validation

I'm using 10-fold cross-validation (CV) with $L1$-penalized Logistic Regression to estimate expected prediction error. Briefly, each sample is part of the prediction set for exactly one fold, and I ...
ijoseph's user avatar
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Calculating AUC for non-binary class

I have a dataset with a non-binary target class $c$. I want to compute the AUC of my classifier and can do this easily using the one-vs-rest approach. I train $\binom{n}{2}$ classifiers where n is the ...
Pavlin's user avatar
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Wilcoxon signed-rank test with AUPRC

I am a little confused about this topic. I computed mean AUPRC values using 5-fold cross validation for my classifier. I understand that comparing the mean AUPRC values for two classifiers to ...
ProgrammedChem's user avatar
3 votes
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Different visualization of AUC than ROC curve

There are multiple interpretations of area under ROC curve. (e.g What does AUC stand for and what is it? ). We also know that AUC is closely related to rank correlation. Are there also different ways ...
rep_ho's user avatar
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Calculating AUC from continuous output [duplicate]

Calculating AUC for one threshold in the continuous output is simple: AUC = (TPR - FPR + 1) / 2; What if I want to calculate AUC for multiple thresholds in ...
DimChtz's user avatar
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overall AUC of two different AUC's

I have a dataset where I divide it (based on nodule longest diameter) into two subsets of cancer features. I have got the prediction accuracy for each subset and the AUC's. I would like to combine ...
Saeed Alahmari's user avatar
2 votes
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Logistic Regression: the logic of testing for all threshold probabilities in an ROC Plot?

In Logistic Regression, what's the logic of testing for all threshold probabilities in an ROC Plot? I thought that in logistic regression, we're concerned with the 0.5 probability threshold, and if ...
thanks_in_advance's user avatar
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How to test if there is any significance difference between the areas under under two curves [duplicate]

I am trying to test if there is any significant difference between the areas under two curves. x-axis: length of stay (los) y-axis: percentage curve1: control group curve2: intervene Any idea how ...
Erika Sama's user avatar
6 votes
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Evaluating models by Loglogss, AUC, and Accuracy

I am evaluating three models (say, A, B, and C) by three different metrics: Log-loss, AUC, and Accuracy. The results show that Log-loss: C>A>B (B has the best performance in terms of Log-loss) ...
Munichong's user avatar
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The meaning of slope on a ROC curve

I think I should rephrase my question after reading a few replies. The original question is kept intact at the bottom. So maybe I should ask the question this way: if you use a ROC curve to find the ...
Mousheng Xu's user avatar
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Can the AUCs of ROCs for different sexes distinguish between sexual attitudes?

I'm not a statistician but I've been reading all about ROC and AUC today and I"m getting closer but still don't quite get it. If I have a model and I want to know if it's penalizing men or women ...
SBala's user avatar
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Is sensitivity, specificity and g-mean considered as "point-wise" metrics

I have two questions: just read this answer and I don't think I totally understand this term ... does sensitivity and specificity and other measures derived from these two such as the geometric ...
Ophilia's user avatar
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Why does sklearn and tensorflow give different ROC AUC scores?

My tensorflow ML algorithm gives me an ROC AUC of 0.81 using the contrib.metrics.streaming_auc() function, whereas using the same logits and labels in sklearn's function gives me a score of 0.58. How ...
Peter's user avatar
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Comparison of AUC below 0.5?

I have two sets (small) of features that I need to compare against a class, and decide which set is better at classifying. The features are generated using ranking methods, and only the top 2% of the ...
bumblbee's user avatar
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ROC curve: how come I have an awful AUC (0.57) with a significant p value (<.001)?

I'm trying to identify a cut-off in a sample of values (areas): I'd like to state "if you encounter an area greater than... you can suspect a pathologic condition" or something like this. It's a case-...
Meg's user avatar
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Why the predicted probalility in logistic regression is small, spreading within (0.0, 0.6), rather than(0.0, 1.0)

Just realized that the predicted probability of default in logistic regression is small and spread within a narrow range. My first guess is that it could be related to the not-strong-features selected ...
tiger's user avatar
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14 votes
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Is AUC the probability of correctly classifying a randomly selected instance from each class?

I read this caption in a paper and have never seen AUC described in this way anywhere else. Is this true? Is there a proof or simple way to see this? Fig. 2 shows the prediction accuracy of ...
thecity2's user avatar
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Should Precision-Recall Area Under the Curve be similar when running binary classification and isolating a OnevsRest class AUC?

I am currently using sklearn OnevsRest classifier on a dataset. The observations of my datasets are describing actual mammals and the columns of the datasets are ...
lili's user avatar
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ROC accuracy measure error when no positive values

I have an unbalanced dataset that I am working to either up or down sample to balance out. But in the meantime I've run into an interesting error when calculating the AUC in R using ...
Pierre L's user avatar
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optimizing auc vs logloss in binary classification problems

I am performing a binary classification task where the outcome probability is fair low (around 3 per cent). I am trying to decide whether to optimize by AUC or log-loss. As much as I have understood, ...
Giorgio Spedicato's user avatar
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How to improve auc of a classifier? [closed]

I have a data set with binary imbalanced class problem. Only 12% of the records belong to positive class. The auc of the original dataset for many classifiers were around 0.6 or less. So I applied ...
SaikiHanee's user avatar
5 votes
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impact to AUC if swap positive and negative during model training

If I swap positive class and negative class, then train a model again (I tried decision tree, adaboost, svm from scikit-learn built-in package) for a two class classification problem. Sometimes, I can ...
Lin Ma's user avatar
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Problem in interpreting AUC confidence interval

I calculated AUC using SPSS and the output was: 0.623, std.Error=0.056. p=0.055. lower Bound was 0.513 and upper was 0.743 How could it be that the p value is not significant and the lower Bound of C....
Eran Ashwal's user avatar
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How to compare the performance of different feature subsets with the same classifier? [duplicate]

I have a small dataset (55 samples) described by 20 features. I performed a SVM (RBF) approach with cross-validation on 70% of the dataset (training part) and I recorded the AUC (average) for 150 ...
ltor's user avatar
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Efficient AUC Calcuation

I have to calculate the average AUC over several million AUCs and was researching on whether there is a more efficient way to do it that doesn't involve sorting. Even an approximation of the ...
slaw's user avatar
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Correctly expressing improvement in AUC?

If a set of features, A, results in an AUC of 0.5, then an improved set of features, B, were used resulting in an AUC of 0.75, how do I express this improvement in words: 50% improvement (0.75-0.5)?...
w.ikl's user avatar
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Choosing the correct AUC value with RocR package

I have somewhat of an odd question. I'm currently working on a dataset and after training my model, I'm trying to get the correct AUC and I'm using the RocR package to get that value. Im using ...
N F N's user avatar
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Kappa and downsampling, selection of data set

I have a unbalanced data set and use Cohen's kappa and AUC as performance measure. Without down sampling the Kappa value is around 0.85, with random down sampling it is 0.95. and with a house-made ...
Matthias's user avatar
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What is the effect of training a model on an imbalanced dataset & using it on a balanced dataset?

When evaluating a model, for example a binary classifier, should the train and test set have 50% + and 50% - label distribution or could the distribution be random? If the distribution is biased in ...
bla345's user avatar
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What metric to use as the cross validation error in the training set for a binary classification problem?

When I am running cross validation on the training set for a binary classification problem, what metric should I use if I am only interested in obtaining the largest AUC (area under receiver operating ...
vtshen's user avatar
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18 votes
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Accuracy vs. area under the ROC curve

I constructed an ROC curve for a diagnostic system. The area under the curve was then non-parametrically estimated to be AUC = 0.89. When I tried to calculate the accuracy at the optimum threshold ...
Ali Sultan's user avatar
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AUROC equal to 1.0 means overfitting?

Evaluating the classifier I implemented for university, I am observing an AUROC (Area under curve of the ROC) of 1.0 (which means a TP rate of 1 and a FP rate of 0.0) The dataset used for training ...
Jan's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is overfitted model with higher AUC on test sample better than not overfitted one

i am participating in a challange in which I have created a model that performs 70% AUC on train set and 70% AUC on hold-out test set. The other participant has created a model that performs 96% AUC ...
MiksL's user avatar
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AUC seems too high, confusion matrix seems only slightly better than random

My confusion matrix looks as follows: > table(actual, predicted_all) predicted_all actual 0 1 0 1728 5261 1 2088 168 While the AUC ...
Rainymood's user avatar
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Parametric versus nonparametric AUC from ROC curve

SPSS offers two ways to estimate Area Under the Curve (AUC) and its standard error, that is nonparametricly using trapezoidal rule or parametrically using binegative exponential distribution. I have ...
tatami's user avatar
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Does AUC for multiple logistic regression make sense if prediction is not the goal?

Does it makes sense to calculate the AUC if I do not want to use my multiple logistic regression model for predictions? I only want to calculate some odds ratios and test if the variables in my model ...
Kana's user avatar
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How to compute the AUROC for a single categorical variable

I am building new features for a binary classifier. The new features fall into two categories: categorical and ordinal. An example of the first feature would be the colours ...
Alex's user avatar
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outlier detection: area under precision recall curve

I would like to compare outlier detection algorithms. I am not sure if area under roc or under precision recall curve is the measure to use. A quick test in matlab gives me strange results. I try to ...
Manuel Schmidt's user avatar
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The distribution of the AUC

I am wondering how the confidence interval for the Area under the Curve statistic (ROC curves) is derived. I have heard that the AUC can be assumed to be normally distributed, but I am looking for a ...
WeakLearner's user avatar
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How much is ROC biased towards the minority class?

It's known that ROC is overly optimistic in case of imbalanced data sets. How big can this bias be? For example if I read paper where they report 0.75 ROC on a dataset with 5 percent of samples being ...
rep_ho's user avatar
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Results from rfe function (caret) to compute average metrics - R

I am computing a SVM-RFE model with the rfe function of the caret package, but I am a bit confused about the results. My code is:...
Rafa OR's user avatar
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