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Continuous Bag of Words NY Time Corpus

I am working to implement the continuous bag of words approach on the New York Times corpus dataset. However, I am getting word embeddings that do not seem very useful based on a few examples of ...
dzheng1887's user avatar
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could someone please give a concrete example to illustrate the Dirichlet distribution prior for bag-of-words?

I am aware of the notion of the Dirichlet distribution, a multivariate generalization of the beta distribution. To get parameters of the Dirichlet distribution prior for bag-of-words, this CMU ...
JJJohn's user avatar
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could someone please give an concrete example to illustrate what does Multiplicity mean in the context of Bag-of-words model?

This CMU Machine Learning Course is using the Bag-of-words model without too much explanation. wiki uses the term multiplicity to explain that model. The bag-of-words model is a simplifying ...
JJJohn's user avatar
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Text classification with small dataset for a specialized domain

I have a multiclass text classification problem where I have very few documents for each class. The classes are imbalanced but I want to be able to predict the class when I have at least 200 - 300 ...
nicnaz's user avatar
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Bag of Visual Words: is feature extraction even needed?

I'm currently implementing a BoVW as part of my lab project. The steps the algorithm used are as follows: spliting all photos into patches cluster these pathces using K-means based on pixel values of ...
Moran Reznik's user avatar
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Group of word representations

For word representation baseline people use bag-of-words or word embedding. Here, I want to understand all approaches that can be used for word representations. For example: -Bag-of-words (tfidf, n-...
aldin's user avatar
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What is the difference between training examples generated by continuous bag of words (CBOW) and skip-gram?

This is a simple question that is hard for me: Let's consider simple sentence A B C D and create training examples for skip-gram training (x, y) with number of ...
quester's user avatar
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Regularization in text classification with bag-of-words

I am performing a text categorization with bag of words and logistic regression. I have already heard about L1 and L2 regularization and used them for classification but with problems handling way ...
Elliot's user avatar
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Low score in sentiment analysis : how to increase it and maybe deal with class imbalance

It has been 2 weeks now I am working on SemEval task 4 (2016) : Sentiment Analysis on Twitter. The results I achieve are lower than what I expected for the three class classification problem : ...
Elliot's user avatar
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Is machine learning a viable approach to extract license references from source code files?

I am a complete newcomer to the field of machine learning. I do have a lot of experience in computer programming, but nothing related to ML. My question is whether or not ML would be a good approach ...
Travis's user avatar
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Searching for list of terms using Google in order to build a bag-of-words for a particular category [closed]

I am having a hard time understanding the process of building a bag-of-words. This will be a multiclass classification supervised machine learning problem wherein a webpage or a piece of text is ...
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Language Modelling using Neural Networks

I plan to make a Language Model in Python using Neural Networks. I've read that Neural Networks need vectors as input. One common vector representation in NLP is the Bag of Words model. Given a corpus ...
Jessie's user avatar
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Google gender-pay gap vs

Background: I read this: google schools US government about gender pay gap. It derives from this google blog post by Eileen Naughton, VP of People Operations. She asserts that google is somehow "...
EngrStudent's user avatar
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How does a bag-of-words model treat words that were never seen before (not in the training data)?

What happens when a text classifier using a bag-of-words model (let's say we're using logistic regression) encounters a word that the model has not seen before- aka, words that were not in the ...
Imu's user avatar
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Calculate predictability of events over time

I'm trying to create a model / algorithm which learns the predictability of events over time, which takes into account both frequency and rarity. An example of what this could apply to (which is the ...
hizki's user avatar
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Treating numerals/cardinals in Bag of Words (BOW) model

I wish to do topic modeling on text corpus some of which are about company earnings which has lots of numbers in it. It has no sentence structure. I think tagging numbers using nltk.pos_tagging can ...
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