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Text classification with small dataset for a specialized domain

I have a multiclass text classification problem where I have very few documents for each class. The classes are imbalanced but I want to be able to predict the class when I have at least 200 - 300 ...
nicnaz's user avatar
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Group of word representations

For word representation baseline people use bag-of-words or word embedding. Here, I want to understand all approaches that can be used for word representations. For example: -Bag-of-words (tfidf, n-...
aldin's user avatar
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How does a bag-of-words model treat words that were never seen before (not in the training data)?

What happens when a text classifier using a bag-of-words model (let's say we're using logistic regression) encounters a word that the model has not seen before- aka, words that were not in the ...
Imu's user avatar
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Treating numerals/cardinals in Bag of Words (BOW) model

I wish to do topic modeling on text corpus some of which are about company earnings which has lots of numbers in it. It has no sentence structure. I think tagging numbers using nltk.pos_tagging can ...
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