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Modeling the probability distributions for the Bayes classifier

According to the Wikipedia, the Bayes classifier assumes knowledge of the distributions of $X | Y$, where $X$ and $Y$ are the random variables of the features and the classes, respectively. Let's ...
synack's user avatar
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How do I minimize the cost from errors?

Bayes' Optimal Classifier is known to achieve the minimum error rate for a dataset $x_1, \ldots, x_n, x_i \in \mathbb{R}^d$. Suppose that each error had a cost associated with it. For example, in a ...
z611's user avatar
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Question about using Bayesian rule as a classification for continuous data set

Please note that my question is not about coding. I am now learning Bayesian classification and I think I understand it in a discrete case. I have trouble understanding it for multivariate continuous ...
Mary's user avatar
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Finding the error probability of an optimal bayes classifier analytically

I have two classes $\omega_1,\omega_2$ with equal prior probability $P(\omega_1)=P(\omega_2)=0.5$. And the points in 2D are distributed $\mathcal{N}(\mu_i,\Sigma), \mu_1=(0,0)^T, \mu_1=(4,4)^T, \Sigma=...
user3208617's user avatar
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error probability of decision function

If I have a binary calssification task with prior probability $p(0) = 0.6$, and I make two decisions. 1) solely based on the prior probability i.e. I make prediction 0 60% of the time and prediction ...
Shew's user avatar
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Why classifiers report the class with maximum posterior probability as the predicted class?

When we train a classifier to predict $y \in \{1, \dots, K\}$ given an input $x$, classification is done by reporting the class with the highest posterior probability as the prediction; that is: $$ \...
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