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How to describe three groups where the means of two groups are significantly different, but neither of the two groups differ from a third group?

I am comparing 3 means from normal distributions using student's test: $\mu{_1}, \mu{_2}, \mu{_3}$ Results are: $\mu{_1} = \mu{_2}, \mu{_2} = \mu{_3}, \mu{_1} \ne \mu{_3} $ If I want to group my ...
user2002469's user avatar
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posthoc paired t test

Is there a website with a calculator to input 2 sets of data to perform the post paired t test adjusted with the Bonferroni correction? Or is anyone available to hire?
dr blade's user avatar
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Need to run Bonferroni correction if only doing 1 paired-samples t-test?

Say I have a significant interaction for a 2x3 within-subjects ANOVA. If I have a theoretical justification for only running a single paired samples t-test to look at simple main effects (even when ...
jelly1's user avatar
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Should multiple adjustedment correction be applied here?

I have a question. I'm analysing an article for an assignement. In this study there are two groups (normal d-dimer vs elevated d-dimer). The study compaires the mean of the groups for multiple ...
 Valdez's user avatar
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Bonferroni correction in independent samples t-test?

I have three IVs with two levels/groups. My primary hypothesis is that there will be group differences for all IVs in total score. However, total score is comprised of scores on 7 subscales. Total ...
kapetantuka's user avatar
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Should I use t-test or ANOVA+post hoc (two different treatments and a control)

I have been working with ice algaes,and Im looking on their fattyacids. Here is a bit about the experimental design. I have one treatment area, cleared, where I have removed all snow. I have ...
Nicole S.'s user avatar
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Multiple t tests with Bonferroni correction instead of Anova and posthoc?

I have a set of 6 experiments that were all performed at the same time. This consists of 3 genotypes (A, B, C) , each under two conditions (1 and 2) with a single measurement variable. I just want ...
Michael-John Dolan's user avatar
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Is Bonferroni correction needed for independent samples T-test on grouped data?

I have conducted three tests (math, Biology, Chinese) on 4 groups of students who are coming from Hong Kong, Pakistan, Philippines, and Singapore respectively. I have the following dataset with the ...
Michael's user avatar
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log2 p-value of 1 after Holm-Bonferroni correction

I obtained rawp by performing Student's t-test function on dat.filtered and then I performed correction using Holm and Holm-Bonferroni methods. I have a huge increase in log2 adjusted p-value of 1.0. ...
melil's user avatar
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Multiple comparison when testing one planned hypothesis

I am running one logit model containing an interaction: logit dv year contract_type yearXcontract+Z where contract_type and year are dummies with 4 levels. After ...
Lydia Palumbo's user avatar
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Do I need to "correct"?

I am testing whether a certain learning intervention affects student achievement. I have two groups of students (control and experimental) with 16 students each. I have their pre-test and post-test ...
Teacher Researcher's user avatar