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6 votes
1 answer

Which family-wise correction is needed for one-sided t-tests in a randomized controlled trial with several independent measures across groups?

I conducted a randomized controlled experiment with groups $A$, $B$, $C$, and $D$, each containing around $40$ human participants who saw one of four variants of a website. Group $A$ saw a baseline, ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to correctly do a nested test (t-test, rank-sum, etc)

Let's say there are two groups of participants. Each group is randomly split into control subgroup A and task subgroup B. For each of the 4 cases some random variable $x$ is measured, whose mean is ...
Aleksejs Fomins's user avatar
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Multiple comparison when testing one planned hypothesis

I am running one logit model containing an interaction: logit dv year contract_type yearXcontract+Z where contract_type and year are dummies with 4 levels. After ...
Lydia Palumbo's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Do I need to use Bonferroni correction?

I have a dataset containing the selling price of mineral stones that were sold in five different countries (namely Germany, France, Italy, Belgium and Spain). I am running multiple t-tests check if ...
Matrix2020's user avatar
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Do I need to "correct"?

I am testing whether a certain learning intervention affects student achievement. I have two groups of students (control and experimental) with 16 students each. I have their pre-test and post-test ...
Teacher Researcher's user avatar
2 votes
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Run multiple T-test and correct for multiple comparisons [closed]

I have tried to look for a quick way to solve this questions but I have found no complete solution so I decided to post the question. I have a dataset about the rate of heat gain on four types of ...
Juan Pablo Aguilar Cabezas's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Many p-values are equal to 1 after Bonferroni correction; is it normal?

I have behavioral data for 10 animals that I studied at two different times of day, AM and PM. I am looking to see if there is a significant difference in 8 different behaviors at AM vs. PM. I have ...
Lauren Benedict's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Multiple t-test and Bonferroni correction

I have 11 subjects and also have the percentage value for the accuracy of a method I developed to predict future actions for each individual. I want to use a right tail one-sample t-test to find out ...
hellfragger's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does the bonferonni correction change the outcome of the p-value or is it just changin what you accept as significant?

For some reason I can't seem to integrate the bonferonni corrected p adjustment into my multiple comparisons t test in r so I need to do each of my 3 tests individually. What I wondered was do I need ...
DAL's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

p-value correction for multiple t-tests?

My dataset consists of $n$ genes, each of them described by a vector of expression values, $5$ for "healthy" individuals, and $5$ for "unhealthy" individuals. I am going to run $n$ t-tests (one for ...
no_name's user avatar
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