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C-sharp is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language created & managed by Microsoft.

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2 votes
1 answer

What does it mean to have a "transient state" or a "transient phase" in an Ising model?

I downloaded a simple implementation of the Ising model in C# from this link. I have understood more or less the entire code except the following routine: ...
user366312's user avatar
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Confirm bug in t-test calculation

Question Suspected a bug in a T-Test c# code and ask if somebody could confirm. Sidenote My question might be a candidate to be closed, as "Bugs in the software (report them to the makers of that ...
MarkusEgle's user avatar
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ML-Agent "std of reward: 0.000." Agent stops learning

I've been trying to train my self-balancing agent to learn to keep his waist above a certain position. But after a while, he just repeatedly keeps trying the same approach/tactic over and over again. ...
Jaden Williams's user avatar
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1 answer

How can i normalize the input data to neural network [duplicate]

I've got a question. I thought about it so much, but cant get an idea how can I do that. I want to create neural network in Encog framework. The neural network is about shopping. I have a database ...
Caran's user avatar
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Why doesn't my Feed-forward NN work when I try to train it with multiple inputs? [duplicate]

Basically I am trying to create a Neural Network in c# from scratch, without using any libraries. The issue that I am facing with right now is whenever I try to train my network with different inputs ...
Szász Erik's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can we calculate mean? [closed]

In the the mean value of a vector is calculated as follows: ...
user366312's user avatar
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Similiarity between temperature vectors [closed]

Please help in the following problem: I have a set of data consisting of daily temperatures, gathered every hour, togheter with daily energy consumption. Given the temperature forecast on the next day,...
Catalin's user avatar
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SVD based recommender system C#

I'm trying to reduce the number of dimensions in my dataset for a movie recommender system using SVD. I'm using the 'MovieLens 1M Dataset' from I've used the MathNet library for ...
TobiasKnudsen's user avatar
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How to determine states for Hidden Markov Model

I am trying to learn about machine learning using Accord.Net. I created a project that has a number of labeled states that represent screens a user visited in a sequence. I created some unit tests to ...
ShawnDigital's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Interpreting the entropy of a Dirichlet distribution

I was looking for a measure to interpret the "spikiness" of categorical histograms. So, if it becomes unnaturally skewed towards a certain value at a given time, I want a metric that will show some ...
ryu576's user avatar
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Neural network vectorization, no convergence

2I am trying to implement a fully vectorized neural net following this example Stanford. I am using C# with numerical library of which the binaries can be downloaded here NuGet. Because the ...
jdelange's user avatar
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1 answer

How to calculate ideal amount of reps needed for good average in R

Basically, I have some samples I'm processing to get moisture results on and I want to get a good average on the readings based on the ideal amount of repetitions. Duplicates is not enough and 10 ...
sdouble's user avatar
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Calculate value needed to reach target by the end of a year [closed]

I have a set of values (scores to a particular KPI), these are reported monthly. I need to calculate what I'd have to score every month from now until the end of the year to reach that target. I'm ...
Chris Andrews's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Time-series forecasting (in C#)

I'm developing an app in C# (WPF) that amongst other things, it makes a time-series based forecast of sales (4-5 months into the future). I'm an industrial engineer so I'm not pro in statistics nor in ...
Pinx0's user avatar
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How do I ensure my implementation of a MLP from Weka is correct?

I have been training MLPs for a binary classification problem in the Weka explorer and now have one with an acceptable level of accuracy. I've written some code to parse the text of the model which ...
John's user avatar
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Validating logistic regression - formulas needed for simulation

This is related to a data classification problem having a Boolean output variable. Summary: Once I perform the ML task using Logistic regression, I get the required coefficients. I use the ...
sppc42's user avatar
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3 votes
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Visualizing large file-based or Redis-in-memory stored large datasets (millions of data points)

I am very active at StackExchange's QuantFinance forum but thought this question is more suitable to be asked here. I am generating large time series data and store them in-memory in Redis (...
1 vote
1 answer

When should I update a recommendation engine?

[I asked this on StackOverflow and was told it would be a better fit here] I am including a basic recommendation engine in a very small project for my final exam. I understand the code and the math ...
The_Cthulhu_Kid's user avatar
3 votes
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Using multinomial regression's coefficients to derive predicted outcomes in C#

I am attempting to use C# (and the alglib library) to calculate the predicted probability that an outcome ends up in one of five classes. I have managed to calculate parameter estimates (i.e. slope ...
Sam's user avatar
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3 answers

Comparing odds and payouts of different lotteries

I'm not a statistician, but I'm interested in how far I can push myself with my basic algebra skills, armed with a C# development background and Excel. Suppose I have several lotteries, each with ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
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Dividing and forecasting a normal distribution

I have a collection of real-world samples that I am trying to model and then forecast. There are 10 datasets – each has an increasing number of data points (from 1 to 10). The points are equi-...
user1151406's user avatar
2 votes
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Math Statistics Bell Curve Computing % correct given 2 numbers (C#) [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Computing per cent correctness from a bell curve I've been trying to remember my High School teachings and are falling short. I'm working on a project where I need to give a %...
Tizz's user avatar
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