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Questions tagged [ceiling-floor-effects]

Ceiling or floor effects occur when a large percentage of values reach their minimum or maximum values.

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How to test for improvement of low vs high scores

I have paired scores (continuous variable) from time 0 and time 1. I would like to find out if: the intervention between time 0 and 1 was more beneficial to poor performing participants than to others....
shiroko's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Does ceiling effect of outcome variable violate linearity assumption of linear regression

If there is a ceiling effect in the outcome variable, e.g. in my case the outcome variable is limited to a certain value and 25% of data points have that highest possible value, does this mean that ...
user20501139's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Ceiling effect in mediation AND/OR moderation

I have a variable (Y) with a mean that is probably too high. (and large prop of participants scoring the maximum score) My hypothesis was that X-Y is stronger at high (vs. low) levels of the ...
llbia's user avatar
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Central limit theorem ceiling effect [duplicate]

I have a continuous variable which is skewed (possibly because of a ceiling effect) in a very large sample. My colleague argues that due to the central limit theorem we can treat this as normally ...
Annamarie's user avatar
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How to deal with floor effects in factor analysis

I am in the process of validating a five-items scale for measuring dependence on substance 'X'. I have collected data from 98 people who used the substance under consideration at least once weekly for ...
Ayalew A.'s user avatar
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IRT model and ceiling effect

I did some experiment in which tests are taken twice, pretest and posttest. I found there might be ceiling effect because the average of posttest is close to maximum test score possible. If I assume ...
KH Kim's user avatar
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