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Can XGBoost do classification based on linear combinations?

Suppose we have a data set $\mathcal{D}$ consisting of $n_C$ continuous features $\boldsymbol{X}_1, \boldsymbol{X}_2, \dots, \boldsymbol{X}_{n_C}$ and we wish to target a discrete variable $\...
HeyCool08's user avatar
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Decision tree without the "tree"

I would like to construct something like a decision tree. However, instead of using "recursive partitioning" to build a tree, I would like to find an optimal set of "global" splits. For example, in a ...
adn bps's user avatar
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classification tree with rpart()

I'm using the rpart() to build a classification tree using R. I have no experience in this topic... Anyway, I started with the full model, and then I used the varImp() from "caret" to drop some ...
wnoise's user avatar
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What are the problems of these decision trees outputs?

I have a report that using two structures of decision trees for a multi-class (4-classes) classification problem with 7 inputs. First output is for ...
user2991243's user avatar
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Hierarchical classification where leaf nodes in a tree are at no particular level

I have a set of hierarchical classes (ex. "object/architecture/building/residential building/house/farmhouse"), and I build a tree where each node is a classifier. However, the appropriate class for a ...
harry melstein's user avatar