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Multiclass ROC curve about one vs one

I am learning ROC about multiclass problem. I read this article . I am confused about ovo ...
李宜倫's user avatar
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Difference between ROC-AUC and Multiclass AUC (MAUC)

I am trying to understand the interpretation of these metrics in a multiclass scenario: ROC-AUC and MAUC. Scikit-learn provides ...
arilwan's user avatar
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How to draw ROC curve for a multi-class dataset?

I have a multi-class confusion matrix as below and would like to draw its associated ROC curve for one of its classes (e.g. class 1). I know the "one-VS-all others" theory should be used in ...
Hamid Rajabi's user avatar
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Given a multiclass classifier, calculate one threshold per class to maximize recall under precision constraint

Given a classifier $f$, $N$ possible classes, and an input $x$, $f$ produces a class from $[1,..., N]$ and its matching confidence $[0,...,100]$. Then I run $f$ on a large set of examples $X$, and I ...
Danny's user avatar
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Interpreting classification metrics for multiclass imbalance

I am at the point of reporting my results in a research article conducted. The dataset is highly imbalanced with class 1 and ...
arilwan's user avatar
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ROC AUC for multiclass problem

Just some quick questions to clarify my doubt please. I know that one can get precision/recall for each class in a multiclass problem, e.g. in this classification ...
super_ask's user avatar
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How to create an ROC model using three classes

I am trying to create a ROC plot based on response variable with three classes. I believe that is possible based on the answer to this question Here. In the answer provide in this question though, ...
Kliocontar's user avatar
2 votes
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Using predict_proba with sklearn's multiclass SVC

I'm using python's sklearn for multi-class classification (SVC) When using the predict method, i get very high scores with my dataset, However, I want to plot ROC curves for each of my classes. That ...
Roee E's user avatar
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Area Under ROC Curve for Multiple Classes

I am working with a highly class-skewed three class classification problem. The class percentages are A = 1.8%, B = 17.5% and C = 80.7%. According to this paper, the following definition of multi-...
Prometheus's user avatar