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4 votes
2 answers

Missing data in k-means cluster model

I'm working on clustering email addresses using K-means based on their value to and engagement with the company (metrics such as % of emails opened, # of web browsing sessions, etc). I would like to ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to cluster based on x and y coordinates

I am trying to identify rows in groups of points using clustering algorithms. The bigger picture problem I'm trying to solve is to identify shelves given x and y coordinates of products. I can cluster ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to determine the best batch-size value for Mini Batch K-means algorithm?

I am working on a project where I apply k-means on severals datasets. These datasets may include up to several billion points. I would like to use mini batch k-means to save time. However, the mini ...
0 votes
0 answers

Identify predictors for clustering output?

I have a dataset with variables collected years ago, and many variables collected this year as outcome variables. I want to combine all the variables collected this year to get one outcome, e.g. ...
5 votes
2 answers

Compare clustering results with different attributes and number of clusters

I used K-means to cluster a large data set that has millions of samples. I tried to create the clusters with different sets of attributes, which, as a result, generated different optimal number of ...
1 vote
2 answers

Interpreting results of K-means after PCA

I have this dataset about an airline company customers with 22 explanatory variables. My goal is to perform some sort of customer segmentation with the k-means algorithm. One problem that I've found ...
1 vote
0 answers

Question about running k means cluster analysis

In a previous analysis I had 3 groups of subjects - group x with 35 subjects, control group y with 25 subjects, and control group z with 25 subjects. For each group I have levels of 6 different ...
0 votes
1 answer

Need help choosing appropriate algorithm for building a Lookalike audience

Newly practicing data scientist here! I am currently stumped on a project and reaching out for some guidance: I am working with the marketing team in our customer database. There is a small subset of ...
25 votes
6 answers

How I can convert distance (Euclidean) to similarity score

I am using $k$ means clustering to cluster speaker voices. When I compare an utterance with clustered speaker data I get (Euclidean distance-based) average distortion. This distance can be in range of ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to include percentage variables in PCA + K-means when some values are undefined because the denominator is 0?

I'm trying to do customer segmentation by using PCA to reduce dimensionality and then feeding the resulting principal components into a K-means algo to get at the final segments. Some of my variables ...
2 votes
2 answers

Jenks Natural breaks - Interpreting Goodness of Variance Fit

I am trying to find breaks in a multiple continuous type variables. So, I tried the jenks natural breaks algorithm. Based on the code from here, I managed to find ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to find the driving individuals of different k means clusters

My data of 4000 gene expression values across 159 different cells is formatted as so: ...
1 vote
1 answer

Should I scale when clustering text data using K-means?

I want to cluster a folder of texts. I created a data file where for each text, I write whether a certain word appears in it or not. I want to cluster according to this. So my matrix is globally only ...
1 vote
0 answers

Question on using the elbow method for calculating ideal number of clusters for k means cluster analysis

Newb to cluster analysis here. I have a group of 35 subjects. For all of the subjects I have data for different measures of IQ (verbal, math, etc) and different biomarkers. There are 6 IQ measures in ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to choose a fair gamma value when performing k-prototypes clustering?

In the k-prototypes clustering algorithm, the distance function consists of two dissimilarity components - one for the numerical elements of the observations, and one for their categorical elements. ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to inform the space and time complexity of K-means, SOM and Hierachical clustering

In the paper I am writing, one of the reviewers asked for an "a simple computational complexity analysis or time computational demands of their method" My question is : Can I simply report the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Evaluation of clustering: single cluster solution vs. multiple clusters

There are a few indices out there that help compare competing clustering solutions (e.g., Calinski-Harabasz index and many others). Is there a popular index/procedure that helps compare a single ...
0 votes
0 answers

Clustering Mixed Data Types: Algorithm Selection, Distance Measurement, and Feature Weighting

I have a database of 74,000 records with 29 features. Fourteen of these features are categorical and are either 0 or 1, while the other 15 features are continuous and have been normalized and scaled ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to interpret contrasting information from the Variation of Information, Dunn and Rand Index for comparing clusterings

There are related questions but the answers don't seem to explain how to practically judge these measurements for non stats users. I have a dataset which I clustered with K=4 using hierarchical ...
2 votes
1 answer

Clustering spatial data based on location and values

I'm looking for a way, preferably in R, to create a cluster of point data (specifically, the centroids of UK postcodes), where each cluster comes as close as possible to containing a certain number of ...
1 vote
1 answer

Clustering Data with Time and ~10 million records

I have a dataset with features like product categories, their dimensions, price, units sold on a given day. I want to create clusters out of this dataset (~12-15 million records) and I am using data ...
0 votes
0 answers

calculation of the C-index clustering for manual [duplicate]

Can anyone give me an example of working on the C-index clustering validity test, but calculating manually??
1 vote
1 answer

What is the best k in kmeans clustering [duplicate]

I did clustering on a dataset of real-world patients and since the best way to choose the amount of clusters in KMeans clustering is Elbow method and the Silhouette method, I conducted those two and ...
1 vote
0 answers

Spatial Temporal Clustering evenly spaced over time

I have a large dataset of spatio-temporal data. It has longitude and latitude coordinates, and a date for each observation. For example: Long Lat Date 50 20.43 9-19-2010 51 19.5 10-4-2010 51 19.3 ...
0 votes
0 answers

What are the right metrics to validate the performance of a custom clustering model with three possible outcomes?

I have developed a custom clustering model on top of MiniBatchKmeans, that has three possible outcomes for each data point: Assign the point to the correct cluster. Assign the point to the wrong ...
1 vote
1 answer

Elbow method not giving a proper curve in python code

I am trying to determine how many clusters to use for my k-means clustering using different methods. first i used the following code to calculate different metrics per cluster number and different ...
0 votes
0 answers

Curse of dimensionality in Time series with K-means

I have been looking at the following notebook: time series clustering where the writer says that the dataset is affected by the "Curse of Dimensionality", so applying TimeSeriesKMeans ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is "clall" in index.Gap in "clusterSim" R package?

I am using the "clusterSim" package in my project (, page 39) and I do not understand the meaning of the "clall" ...
0 votes
0 answers

Should the same environmental variable measured with different methods be removed before K-means? What about variables repr. sep. and by their ratio?

So I'm running K-means clustering algorithm on environmental variables measured on different locations. The aim is to see if the environmental variables can be clustered into separate clusters. Same ...
1 vote
0 answers

k-means clustering on a probability distribution instead of a dataset

Normally, clustering algorithms such as $k$-means are defined on a dataset in the following sense: if $D$ is a dataset, find a partition of $D$ into sets $\{S_1, \dots, S_n\}$ that minimises the ...
2 votes
1 answer

What is the standard threshold value that is best for accuracy when employing Euclidean distance as a metric for gauging textual similarity?

I'm using Euclidean distance as a metric to compare two sentences for similarity while clustering them using my custom incremental KMeans algorithm. The current threshold value I'm using is 0.7 which ...
160 votes
7 answers

Clustering on the output of t-SNE

I've got an application where it'd be handy to cluster a noisy dataset before looking for subgroup effects within the clusters. I first looked at PCA, but it takes ~30 components to get to 90% of the ...
0 votes
0 answers

What is normalized winning frequency in kernel self organizing map(SOM)?

In the k-means based kernel SOM, proposed by MacDonald and Fyfe (2000), the update of the mean is based on a soft learning algorithm mi(t + 1) = mi(t) + Λ[φ(x) − mi(t)] where Λ is the normalized ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why does this K-Means cluster example show 'overlap' between clusters?

I was reading the hypertools docs and came across this pictorial that shows 10 clusters (some seem to share very similar coloring) generated from some (mushroom) ...
1 vote
0 answers

K-means clustering - weird PCA visualization

I performed PCA on 4 variables and are shown in this visualization: At first look it doesn't look convincing and the some clusters seem weird. The data was cleaned and standardized beforehand. Only ...
0 votes
0 answers

Method for pairwise ordering two datasets

Given two rather small but unordered multidimensional vectors/datasets (e.g sets of a handful of 3D coordinates), what is a simple method for pairwise alignment/ordering? I've though about using ...
4 votes
3 answers

How to split data into training and testing for clustering

I want to use k-means clustering on my dataset to capture the similarity based on two attributes for two groups. I am looking to split my data first into training and testing, and then find clusters ...
2 votes
1 answer

For which clustering algorithms is the Gap statistic useful?

How can i know for which clustering algorithms (with a parameter that represents number of clusters) it makes sense to use the Gap statistic? I've read in the paper by Tibshirani, Walter & Hastie ...
0 votes
1 answer

Continuous monitoring of KMeans model post production

In the process of deploying a KMeans model for a customer segmentation use case into production. KMeans doesn’t produce the same results every time and after production cluster sizes and arrangements ...
72 votes
6 answers

Is it important to scale data before clustering?

I found this tutorial, which suggests that you should run the scale function on features before clustering (I believe that it converts data to z-scores). I'm wondering whether that is necessary. I'm ...
5 votes
1 answer

When should I use classical k-means clustering and when should I use trimmed k-means clustering?

I suspect that if there are many unimportant outliers, trimmed k-mean clustering should be employed. Am I on the right track?
4 votes
2 answers

Question about Silhouette index calculation using scikit

I am currently working with continuous data measured from different sensors (thermometers and voltmeters). I have a matrix whose columns represent the sensors and the rows are normalized measurements (...
1 vote
1 answer

K-means dominated by one or two variables only

What should we do if clustering such as K-means is dominated by one or two variables in the list of used variables? Shall we leave the other variables?
0 votes
0 answers

Turning heatmap into clusters - Classification

Assume that you having a heatmap that looks like this. The goal is to classify all the "dot" inside the image. How can that be done? The assumptions of the image: The image has always black ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to tell whether segments from K Means clustering result are "successful" and will impact business metrics?

Background I'm a data analyst. The Business unit I'm assigned for needs to segment users based on power vs non-power users so they can target each segment with proper treatments. Goal Segment users (...
0 votes
1 answer

Dummy Variable Trap in KMeans Clustering

My data set is having a column Gender, so I have to apply One Hot Encodingto perform KMeans Clustering. Q1. Should I take care about ...
0 votes
2 answers

Clustering Data Using Gower and Kmeans

I am trying to do clustering on my data which consists of both categorical and continuous variables. I have some questions which I would like to ask: I am going to use the Gower Distance measure to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Clustering leading to visually overlapping clusters on scatterplot

I am dealing with a dataset with 13 features. After going through some standard scaling and missing data imputation, I use kmeans from sklearn to create clusters. Now the point is that, although the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Clustering algorithms puts data points that are visually far apart in same cluster

I am trying to cluster a very large set of data points, of roughly (20000, 100) shape. I could not run density based DBSCAN or SpectralClustering due to the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Clustering Analysis for large data in R

I am trying to perform a clustering analysis for a csv file with 50k+ rows, 10 columns. I tried k-mean, hierarchical and model based clustering methods. Only k-mean works because of the large data set....

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