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Applying clustering to predicted values

I am using clustering techniques such as hierarchical clustering trees to create an index fund modeled on the S&P500 with the correlation between the returns of individual stocks being used as the ...
vjgu's user avatar
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Hierarchical clustering in R

I have a dataset of around 25 observations and most of them being categorical. I have three questions for this. 1- Do the covariates I pick for hierarchical clustering matter or should I try and ...
NK99N's user avatar
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Clustering categorical features based on fit

I have a set of data. For our purpose lets simplify it to one independent numerical variable,$x$, and dependent numerical variable, $y$. The goal is to train on the data to determine the parameters in ...
Keith's user avatar
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Analysis of hierarchical clustered hospital data

I am hoping to get some advice from this excellent community on how I might try to proceed with an analysis of patient outcomes for a large conglomerate of hospitals. Essentially the dataset that I ...
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