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Matching fixed control group to multiple time-varying treatment events so that each control is only used once/uniquely assigned

you have helped me tremendously over the past years and so far, I could find an answer to any the question I had! Thanks to anyone active in this community, I don't know what I would have done without ...
Leo I.'s user avatar
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Comparing the significance of multiple group frequencies in R

Suppose I have sum of frequencies from 4 groups with: ...
David Z's user avatar
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Meta-Analysis without a Control Group

I am conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis which is investigating health-related quality of life in a particular patient population. I am having difficulties with conducting the meta-...
Ragy Tadrous's user avatar
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Splitting panel data into subgroups

I have a (an unbalanced) panel dataset of individuals over different periods of time (one time period = one month). I'm attempting to analyse the effect on the level of activity of the individuals of ...
EconLiv's user avatar
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How to choose Control groups for Causal Impact algorithm?

I'm running an experiment and want to use the Causal Impact function to assess how well it performs. I have 10 different cities. I'm looking to find out what is the best method for choosing which ...
KMan's user avatar
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Meta-analysis in R without control group? Purely improvement of symptoms

I’m currently trying to perform a meta-analysis in R via the metafor package using data that does not have a control group. In this case, I am looking to see ...
Acticys's user avatar
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Choosing Location Based Control Group

I have a dataset that tracks activities at particular locations. The dataset is essentially, timestamp, latitude and longitude, indicating an activity at that lat-long and that time. I plan on ...
stanekam's user avatar