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Visualizing shared instances of p-values<alpha across large numbers of treatments

Assume a data table that presents the p-values of a large number of independent runs of a statistical hypothesis test. Each run represents a single test with two possible hypotheses (i.e., null and ...
Michael Gruenstaeudl's user avatar
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Is it possible to code in a CA the additional variables in dummies variables

I'm doing a correspondence analysis as part of a study. Unfortunately, one of the commands I use with R doesn't work because I have supplementary categorical variables that the package doesn't ...
Biochimiste's user avatar
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Interpreting the loads in a biplot

I came across a doubt about the interpretation of the biplot. I know that there are lot of questions related to this topic but I have a very concrete question, but I don't find any response. Suppose ...
Sergio Marrero Marrero's user avatar
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How variables (constrained loadings) are selected in a biplot CCA

I am trying to do a Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) using the community data and chemical data. I have my family level taxonomic data as community data. In chemical data I have 18 variables: ...
user3042163's user avatar
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R multiple correspondence analysis loadings

I'm running a multiple correspondence analysis in R using the FactoMineR package: ...
Simon's user avatar
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I want to run a same result of biplot in R

There is a software called Brandmap$^1$ which can return a biplot from a matrix. I am trying to run the same result in R but the coordinates are not the same. First I input a simple matrix into the ...
bbbbbliu's user avatar
47 votes
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PCA and Correspondence analysis in their relation to Biplot

Biplot is often used to display results of principal component analysis (and of related techniques). It is a dual or overlay scatterplot showing component loadings and component scores simultaneously. ...
ttnphns's user avatar
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Interpreting negative coordinates and origin in 2D correspondence analysis plot [duplicate]

Why are there negative values in the range of the plot? How is the center of the plot (i.e., the $0.0$ point) found? How did the black-brown points end up in the third quadrant of the plot? Why ...
Erdenesuvd's user avatar
6 votes
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Interpreting 2D correspondence analysis plots (Part II)

I'd like to ensure that I understand the process correctly. This is a follow-up question to Interpreting 2D correspondence analysis plots ...
Brandon Bertelsen's user avatar
21 votes
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Interpreting 2D correspondence analysis plots

I've been searching the internet far and wide... I have yet to find a really good overview of how to interpret 2D correspondence analysis plots. Could someone offer some advice on interpreting the ...
Brandon Bertelsen's user avatar