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Questions tagged [cramers-v]

Cramér's V is a measure of association between two categorical variables.

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Effect size of categorical variables [closed]

If I have bio test of two categories with different dimensions and larger size=190 samples , df=63 . Is cramer V suitable in this case? And how would be the interpretation considering the effect size? ...
Sara Scofild's user avatar
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getting insignificant p-values but large effect size what should I do?

I used Qualtrics to conduct a survey and received 700+ responses. I also collected demographic data to disaggregate the data and observe any differences between groups. A couple questions used display ...
neybeh's user avatar
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How do I get from integral to computational formula of Cramér-von Mises statistic step by step?

My question is related to the calculus procedures behind Cramér-von Mises test. How do I get from integral: to computational formula: of Cramér-von Mises statistic, step by step? I understand the ...
Édio Renato Fávaro's user avatar
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Apportionment of variation

I have a dataset of hundereds of thousands of websites (categorical) with their CO2 emissions per request (quantitative) along with the data centre they're hosted in (categorical), and whether those ...
sirlark's user avatar
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Gaps (misinterpreting perhaps) between chi square sig and Cramer’s v

I did chi square test for independence and Cramer’s V test. I’m having problems with interpret the results. I checked if there is a connection between gender and dropping out of school (in SPSS). My ...
Shir's user avatar
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Can Cramér's V or contingency coefficient be used if chi-squared assumptions are not met?

I am testing for the independence of a specific set of variables with respect to a common event. Despite having a fairly decent sample size (n=236), the event I am testing for is relatively rare (2% ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Using Cramer's V to find which variable has the strongest correlation

Apologies in advance if this has been asked before; I'm a stats amateur and wasn't having much luck with my searches. I'm currently analyzing product data, and I'm trying to find which variables (all ...
Ash M's user avatar
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Interpreting width in the confidence intervals of an effect size?

I've calculated an effect size (Cramer's V) with the associated 95% CIs for some analyses I ran. I know that narrow CIs are preferable, but I haven't a clue what constitutes narrow or wide. I ...
koloeus's user avatar
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Calculating 95% confidence intervals for Cramér's V?

I'd like some advice an analysis I calculated an effect size for using Cramér's V in SPSS, which I'd like to report along with its upper and lower 95% CIs. Would someone be able give me some guidance ...
koloeus's user avatar
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Need help understanding why Cramers V calculated outcome not as expected

I am studying approach to calculate how correlated 2 nominal variables are by using Cramers V. However when I have a simple 2x2 matrix that I expect high effect size, the calculated outcome shows ...
techhero's user avatar
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How to make an correlation analysis in Python or R beetween two strings? [closed]

I want to make a correlation analysis of two nominal columns, the "advocates" column and the "company" column, the advocates in this case are processing the companies, the data ...
ThiagoM's user avatar
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Conflicting Chi Squared and Cramers V result

I'm trying to test whether ski skill level has an impact on an athlete's motivation to visit a resort. I have three skill-level categories and three motivation categories. I have calculated my chi-...
SSG's user avatar
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What is the advantage (if any) of using Cohen's $\omega$ instead of Cramer's V for effect size?

I'm wondering why I should or should not use Cohen's $\omega$ (omega) for effect size over Cramer's V for a chi-square goodness-of-fit test? What would be the advantage or disadvantage of favoring ...
Chris_F's user avatar
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Is there a way to compute the correlation between two categorical multi-label variables?

I have two categorical variables X and Y that each are multi-label e.g. each x and ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How are the confidence interval of Cramer's V and the Chi square statistic related?

I wondered about the relationship between a confidence interval for Cramer's V (I used the rcompanion package and the command cramerV(table, ci = TRUE)) and the ...
Henk van der Kolk's user avatar
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Large chi-squared value

I have carried out a chi-squared test in an 11x4 table with a sample of c. 11,000 units. I've got a very high chi-squared value (x2=9807; df=30) and the p-value is extremely low (p=2.2e-16), which I ...
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Using Cramér's V to evaluate correlation between categorial variables with small numbers within contingency tables

I am evaluating correlations between categorical variables in a data set. I have seen Cramér's V is one way I can calculate this, and I know it takes the chi-squared statistic as one of the elements ...
jlnsci's user avatar
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Small/Medium/Large Cramér's V effect size tables available for degrees of freedom > 5?

I've come across numerous tables published online categorizing Cramér's V effect sizes for categorical tables with degrees of freedom $\leq$ 5, for example: $$ \begin{array}{c|lcr} \text{Degrees of ...
RobertF's user avatar
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Chi squared and Cramer's V as a measure of independence

Given two categorical variables $A$ and $B$ with the same number of categories, and two observations with frequencies $$\begin{array}{c c} A & B\\ a_1 & b_1\\ a_2 & b_2\\ a_3 & b_3\\ ...
augustoperez's user avatar
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Is Cramer's V the right tool to use?

I am trying to see if there's any correlation between awareness of a program and several demographical variables (gender, religion and education) Is Cramer's V the right tool to use since they are ...
user340726's user avatar
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Cramer's V for test of homogeneity

Can Cramer's V be adapted for the chi-squared test of homogeneity? I know that Cramer's V has been adapted for the chi-squared test of goodness-of-fit, where it indicates the degree of deviation of ...
Tan2525's user avatar
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Using phi as a measure of correlation for categorical analysis

I'm working on a data analysis project where I've been asked to measure the association between specific values of categorical variables, and I wanted to make sure my thinking was correct. So for ...
Gabriella's user avatar
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Is it valid to calculate Spearman/Cramér's V with duplicate values?

I have a dataset that I want to analyze using statistic measures. Because of the nature of the data, it seems like Cramér's V is the correct method (For cases involving (school) grades only, Spearman ...
newbiestud46's user avatar
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Very small Cramer's V and moderate Odds Ratio?

I'm running a Chi Sq test with 2 binary variables. The data are large (>1 million rows) and not balanced (rare event). The test is statistically significant (p < .0001) and the Cramer's V is ...
Dr.Data's user avatar
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Is there a common language effect size for Cramer's V?

There is a common language effect size (CLES) defined for Cohen's d (such as probability of superiority). Is there anything similar for Cramer's V or generally for r family (measure of association) ...
Royalblue's user avatar
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How do I know if I can accept or reject the hypothesis?

I have to test a hypothesis that religion is connected to conservatism. I have recoded my variables and I have done a cross-tab and cramer's v test. I am not sure what these values tell me about my ...
lets get this money's user avatar
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What conclusions can I draw if my sample size is too small

I'm working on a paper involving multiple comparisons that have very small sample sizes (and no chance of increasing them). When I calculate p-values, they usually are not less than the usual .05-...
stevebyers2000's user avatar
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What is a use case guide for best practice relatedness metrics between the following variable types?

I'm new to data analysis and I've been messing it up by using Pearson's correlation coefficient to measure possible relationships between different variables in my data set, both dependent and ...
rocksNwaves's user avatar
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Interpreting the results of p-value and Cramer's V value

For my assignment I am working on a data set with the sample size n = 4.000.000 and about 450 columns. I have 4 rows in my cross table that have the values winter, spring, summer and fall. So my cross ...
Eve Edomenko's user avatar
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Large difference in contingency table level affecting Cramer's V?

The Wikipedia article for Cramer's V states the following without citation: Note that as chi-squared values tend to increase with the number of cells, the greater the difference between r (rows) ...
dfitzgerald's user avatar
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Pearson's Correlation for percentage data (observations within variable sum up to 100%)

Suppose the following dataset: ...
Matek's user avatar
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When to use Theil's U and Cramer's V, the danger of symmetrical data?

As I understand, Cramer's V method of counting correlation between categorical variables may find correlations between symmetrical data. I searched a ton of sites, but the only thing I found was that ...
EndOfTheGlory's user avatar
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Autocorrelation for a categorical time series

I am having trouble to compute the autocorrelation for different lags in a categorical time series. For instance, consider 3 possible categories: classA, classB and classC, and a vector x representing ...
PauloRLA's user avatar
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RxC Contingency Table to 2x2 Tables for local correlation analysis

I am trying to find if there is a correlation between the two categorical variables (Var1 and Var2). For that I am performing Cramer's V test on the RxC contingency table since the test that gives the ...
Boris Mocialov's user avatar
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Creation of contigency table and calculation of effect size (Chi2, Cramer's V)

I am a bit unsure in my approach of applying the Chi2 GOF test to my data and calculating the correct effect size. The situation: I am studying the occurrence of specific biological phenomena in ...
danhype899's user avatar
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correlation between binary dependent variable and independent ones

I ran a logistic model to predict a YES/NO (equivalent to 0 or 1, that is a binary variable) through a stepwise selection (I have either categorical and numerical variables). I was then asked to ...
LUm-1's user avatar
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Can Cramér's V be used an effect size measure for McNemar's test?

I'm using McNemar's exact test (with R's "mcnemar.exact" function). I know that giving the odds ratio or proportion would be an adequate measure of effect size (Effect size of McNemar's Test), but ...
Tobias B.'s user avatar
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Cramers v when r = 1 and k = 2

I have just read that 'Cramér's V may also be applied to goodness of fit chi-squared models when there is a 1×k table (e.g.: r=1)'. It then goes on to say 'In this case k is taken as the number of ...
Maggie2018's user avatar
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Chi squared test result and Cramer's V value

I have one dataset which contain many categorical variables. The target variable is also categorical. I tried to find correlation between each categorical variable with target variable, using chi ...
Ankit Seth's user avatar
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One sample chi-square

I have analysed very data set using an online calculator. I used a chi-square comparing the differences between 'strongly agree/agree' versus 'strongly disagree/disagree' to specific ...
Maggie2018's user avatar
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interpreting Cramer's V results

I want to measure the magnitude and direction of a relation between two nominal variables: profession and hood. I choose to use Cramer's V based on this explanation. ...
Nico Cernek's user avatar
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What are the thresholds for strength of association?

As I was studying Cramers-V I saw two different Youtube videos authoritatively hand down 2 different sets of thresholds for strengths of measures of association. The first video said that 0-.29 was ...
Non-Contradiction's user avatar
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Huge Chi-Squared Chi2 Test for Independence Statistics; is this methodology correct?

Beginner association question here. I have a dataset (~2.5M rows) with the following data: ...
whs2k's user avatar
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Is there a Correlation metric for Categorical vs Numerical features? [duplicate]

I've been searching for some time for a correlation metric analogous to the Pearson correlation value for numerical vs numerical features, or Cramér's V for categorical vs categorical features, but ...
the_owl's user avatar
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Is there an alternative to Cramer's V for computing effect size when chi-squared is inappropriate

I have a dataset within which I have a particular response variable that I'm interested in and numerous predictor variables. All variables are nominal and have as many as 15 possible values. When I ...
joshisanonymous's user avatar
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How to apply Cramérs $V$ on a 2$\times$2 matrix

I want to find the association between variables and Cramérs V works like a treat for matrices of sizes greater than 2$\times$2. However, for matrices with low frequencies, it does not work well. For ...
avz2611's user avatar
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Regarding the interpretation of Cramers'V and Phi [duplicate]

How should I interpret Cramer's V when I have more than two variables in cross-tabulation table? Does the order of variables matter? E.G Gender , Age , Job , Income level Is Cramer's V the ...
Peter's user avatar
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association measure and statistical test for binary and ordinal variables in large datasets

Which statistical test and measure of association should I use in the following situation? I have a rather large dataset (>30 million obs.). I have a binary variable, and a bunch of other variables (...
elikesprogramming's user avatar
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How do analyse if a difference between two scores of Cramer's V is significant?

Previous research shows that there is a correlation between two variables. I am researching whether this is true in different groups. It seems like there is: Group 1: X2 (2) = 44.822, p < .001, ...
user129728's user avatar
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Comparing and ranking differentiating attributes across groups

I'm looking for some help on how to approach this problem. Say I have two or more groups of people. Each group has characteristics and attributes. For example, say we have the following two groups: ...
bravemuffin's user avatar