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Questions tagged [demography]

Demography is the statistical study of populations and their characteristics, such as births, deaths, migrations, consequences of changes, etc.

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What is the best statistical tool/measurement to determine correlation between four different demographics and their Likert scale responses

I have the results of a couple likert scale questions as well as demographic data (4 different age groups of different sizes) about each response. What is the best way to determine correlation between ...
CluelessButCurious's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Interpolation: From age groups to specific age

I have a database contains 10 age groups ( [15;19], [20;24]... [+60) and number of individuals in every age group but it doesn't follow any distribution (once it decreases and other time it increases),...
Nour's user avatar
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How to handle past “unknown race” category when comparing current student demographic percentages to those in the past? [closed]

When comparing current student demographic percentages to those in the past how do you handle the past “unknown race” category? For the years with students in the unknown category, how do you ...
Kay Jay's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Name of this fallacy and how to reach conclusion

While handling some demographic data, I stuck in a position where (I did not disclose the actual data set and whom it is concerning, therefore I replace it with hypothetical data) I could not reach a ...
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How to account for the difference between the sexes in a mortality rate

I am trying to understand the statistical calculations described in a letter to a journal. It describes the annual mortality rate of patients currently being seen by a health clinic.  To calculate the ...
A Dark Divided Gem's user avatar
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How to perform a VCA on demographic estimates in R [closed]

I want to perform a variance component analysis on avian demographic estimates (annual adult survival, per capita recruitment, and population growth rate) in R. I have used the program RMark to attain ...
Leslie's user avatar
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Finding similar localities based on age demographics

I'm using the Australian Census data to find similar towns based on their age demographics. Some locations show a large young population, some more working age, some older with a greater number of ...
MrTelly's user avatar
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How to report a difference in means - Demographics

First of all sorry for the question, I'm having a hard time with statistics :) I have conducted a survey for my thesis and am currently analyzing and reporting the results. At the end of my survey, I ...
ber1495's user avatar
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What is the best way to analyze differences in demographics data among groups of different sizes

I have groups of individuals in a population. These groups have different sizes--for example, group 1 has 50 individuals and group 2 has 1000 individuals. I want to show the differences in the groups' ...
anni's user avatar
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How to compare U.S. Census demographic data to a population-level dataset? E.g. how to approach a question like are women underrepresented on boards?

I have a population-level dataset of all people who testified on environmental legislation in a single year. I have data on all witness's ages, races, genders, and ethnicities. This dataset is not a ...
user17073706's user avatar
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is bayesian poisson regression remotely relevant in this scenario?

I am working with data collected in a community. We know the basic information about the community, let's say the racial composition is 60% black and 40% white, in a city of population = 500,000. I ...
user6606453's user avatar
4 votes
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Help making inferences from interactions within nested GLMM?

I want to model survival outcome as a response to stem length for a plant species. All individuals within plots were tagged and sampled in year 1, then re-found and sampled again in year 2, with an ...
jstockert's user avatar
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Difference of death rate and probability of death

In the life table, two values are related to death. One is the death rate, by definition, $$ m_x = \frac{d_x}{n_x}$$ Another one is the probability of dying: $$ q_x = \frac{d_x}{l_x}$$ The numerator ...
doraemon's user avatar
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12 votes
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How can the fertility rate be below 2 but the number of births is greater than deaths (South Korea)?

I read an article published in 2020 which claimed that the South Korean population had declined "for the first time", the number of deaths (~300,000) outpacing births (~275,000). However, ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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Best method to analyse state-level COVID outcomes

I have a dataset that records COVID outcomes (cases, deaths) daily in a tally for the 50 states of the USA. I want to find the influence of various state-level continuous (e.g. percent of seniors in a ...
torontobizphd's user avatar
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Age adjustment or Age standardization state of the art?

I want to run some comparisons of a quantity between different populations. Such quantity comes from a model that includes, among other variables, the variable age. So, one of the variables affecting ...
Compare's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to combine state-level COVID-19 vaccination rates with national demographic data at the individual level?

I’m investigating possible correlations between the COVID-19 vaccination rate in the United States and the results of a long-running survey of scientific personality traits like "Agreeableness&...
Chris Wilson's user avatar
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Population growth projection

Que ) Population grows in such a manner that [1/P(t) ] dP(t)/dt is a linear function of log P(t) where P(t) is the population size at time t . Obtain the explicit expression for P(t)* In this question ...
simran's user avatar
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How to group countries with similar age distributions?

How can I group the world's 200-odd countries into (say) ten groups, with each group's countries having 'similar' age distributions? I want to compare COVID-19 fatality rates across countries. But the ...
Happyblue's user avatar
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How can both life expectancy and death rate increase over 70 years time for a country?

I see death rate and life expectancy for Greece. For the first there is a constant growth from 1994 which is envisaged to grow up to 2068. For the latter there is a constant grown from 1950 which is ...
Jannis Ioannou's user avatar
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Covid-19 and life expectancy

A public figure in my home country said the following: "The life expectancy in our country is 82 years. The average age of those who die of covid-19 is also about 82 years. Hence, on average, ...
Latent's user avatar
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Why does the US death rate not "match" life expectancy

From the CDC ( Death rate: 863.8 deaths per 100,000 population Life expectancy: 78.6 years Now in a static situation I ...
DavidS's user avatar
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A reference request for a population statistic---experienced population density?

We all know that countries (for example) have population densities, but suppose we want to know what is the actual experienced population density (that is, if, say, in Sweden 95% of the population ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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How to test which factors are responsible for a change in a variable over time?

I have survey data from two waves: one in 2019, one in 2020. There is a large change in one of the survey answers, and I would like to test which respondent characteristics are responsible for that ...
bobbyjohnson's user avatar
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How to Describe Interaction Between Variables

Say I have two demographic variables, job$\in{j_1, j_2}$ and lives$\_$alone$\in${YES, NO}. I also have N books $B_1$, $\ldots$, $B_N$, each labelled with a genre that I know in advance, out of {...
hyperio's user avatar
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Including multiple-select race/ethnicity in statistical models

I'm performing some survey research that has a strong demographic component. During the survey participants are asked to select any races they identify with, along with a number of other demographic ...
Ryan Senkpeil's user avatar
6 votes
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Viral topics. How to describe and characterize bumps in time series of tag-activity on Meta Stack Exchange

Background There is much dissatisfaction on StackExchange. This can now be covered in over 250 questions on meta (see 1 and 2). In response to that I made a recent meta-post and supported it with the ...
Sextus Empiricus's user avatar
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Can a k-means cluster use different measures for homogeneity and heterogeneity?

TL;DR: Is there an existing k-means clustering algorithm that can have different weights for the (minimized) in-group distance measure and the (maximized) between-group measure? Or, better yet, can ...
Chris Wilson's user avatar
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Representation of $l_x, d_x, L_x, T_x$

There are some problems in my textbook where a life table is given, with some of the entries missing. Based on the given entries, I have to fill up the complete life table. Suppose it is given $l_0 = ...
user587389's user avatar
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I'm comparing multiple demographics across multiple samples, Chi-square test or 2 sample t-test

I would like to compare the demographics of people my company serves with the demographics contained in a subset of the American Community Survey 2017 data. The first set (n=35751) of data is a person-...
verstehenmonk's user avatar
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Can someone explain homicide-related death rates?

If I see a statistic of homicide-related deaths per 100,000 is that per 100,000 deaths therefore giving an expected probability of death when dividing one by the other? or is it deaths by homicide per ...
ajax2112's user avatar
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Estimation of a population number

Suppose that we know the population number $n$ of a country in $2014$ for people aged between $0$ and $19$ years what would be a good simple way to estimate the population number between $1$ and $18$ ...
palio's user avatar
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Concept of Stationary Population

In stationary population, there can be different probabilities for death in a given year for different age groups but these probabilities don't change over time. So the probability a 28 year old will ...
user149054's user avatar
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"Number of Persons" instead of "Number of Person-years" in Stationary Population [closed]

I have learnt that the life table function $_{n}L_x$ is the number of person-years lived by the cohort between ages $x$ and $x+n$. But for stationary population, $_{n}L_x$ is defined as the number ...
user149054's user avatar
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Non-monotone hazard functions

I should start with the caveat that I am relatively new to Survival analysis. I was watching a Hulu documentary about Crocodiles last night, and they mentioned that baby crocodiles have a low chance ...
knrumsey's user avatar
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Distinction between "Mid-year population" and "Number of people alive"

Suppose $D_i=$ Observed number of deaths in the age group $(x_i, x_{i+1})$, $P_i=$ Mid-year population for age group $(x_i, x_{i+1})$, $N_i=$ Number of people alive at $x_i$ among whom $d_i$ ...
user149054's user avatar
3 votes
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Probability Vs Rate

Suppose $_{n}q_x$ is the $\textbf{probability}$ of dying between age $x$ and $x+n$. And $_{n}M_x$ is the age-specific death $\textbf{rate}$ in the observed population in the interval $(x, x+n)$. The ...
user149054's user avatar
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Sparkline type visualisation of demographics in papers (introducing new 'non-standard' visuals)

It seems typical to include only basic statistics on subject demographics within papers (i.e. mean, max and min). It seems to me that having a knowledge of the actual distribution would be provide ...
welf's user avatar
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Propensity Score Matching on demographic baseline

A client asks for a PSM on gender for their big dataset of >10000 cases. About 20 variables are supposed to be included, most of them binomial. They hypothesize, that a certain treatment has worse ...
Nuke's user avatar
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How to get the number of target audience?

I am currently working on a project, a sample start-up. Suppose I have these data: $N$ = total population. $n_1$ = number of mall shoppers. $n_2$ = number of people aged from 18-65. $n_3$ = number ...
ddwy's user avatar
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Structural Equation Modeling with ordinal dependent variable and categorical independent variable

I'd like to do a structural equation modeling for an ordinal dependent variable. Moreover, I have ordinal and categorical independent variables in the model. The ordinal dependent variable is the ...
moon star's user avatar
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Age specific population interpolation: Why Cubic Spline interpolation is not giving sum equal to original sum

Because of Age heaping, I want to smooth age-specific population derived from the census of Pakistan. The Cubic spline is assumed as an appropriate choice. However, the fitted spline is not giving the ...
Wazir's user avatar
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What does "mean age at childbearing" mean? [closed]

I'm having trouble putting this into plain English. According to the UN World Population Prospects glossary it means: The mean age at childbearing is the mean age of mothers at the birth of their ...
Tomulent's user avatar
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Log-linear analysis of transition matrices using R

I have some demographic transition matrices that I want to compare using a log linear analysis, but am having some trouble with model construction in R. I have read through several tutorials on log-...
user44796's user avatar
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How to draw a map of a cluster analysis results

I have performed k-mean clustering on a demographic data set. Now I wish to show the results on a (geographical) map, i.e. I want to show the clusters that I got after the analysis in a map. Can ...
2 votes
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How do I use American Community Survey income estimates and standard errors in an error-in-variables model?

Income distributions tend to be highly skewed. Yet the American Community Survey (ACS) provides only two summary statistics for its median income estimates in small areas: the mean estimate and a ...
Brash Equilibrium's user avatar
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Should I perform paired t-test or not?

I have the following human population data with me (based on a census) - Number of women in each educational level (like Illiterate, literate but less than primary, high school, graduate). For the ...
Dark_Knight's user avatar
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Statistics for ordinal data

I have some ordinal data based on a population survey. My $X-axis$ consist of age groups $(<15 , 15-19, 20-24 . . . , 45-49$ years$)$ . On the $Y-axis$, I have proportion of certain population. And ...
Dark_Knight's user avatar
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My fertility simulation is not matching reality

Using data from US vital statistics I created a simulation that was based on the number of children a woman has over her lifetime as follows (out of 10000): ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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How to model demographics

I tried assuming the number of children a woman has is a Poisson distribution. So, for the US where the mean number of children per woman is currently 1.87, it yields a probability mass function like ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar