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How to code a dummy variable for time in a difference in difference model in R?

I am trying to do a difference in difference analysis on data from a randomized controlled trial where the control and treatment occurred during the exact same time period (treatment was administered ...
masters's user avatar
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Quasi-experiment analysis

I have 5-year sales information from a grocery store in Canada. I want to check the effect of an online campaign that happened in 2017 on food sales. My treatment group is people living in urban areas....
Lili.Y's user avatar
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Combining two studies of different types

Initial Setup In a specific experimental design, there are two treatments and two study sites. Suppose we have the model \begin{align*} Y_{ijk} = \beta^\intercal X_{ijk} + \mu_i + \nu_j + \eta_{ij} + ...
Tom Chen's user avatar
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The implications of non-random allocation of intervention

I'm trying to understand the implications of an intervention which is not randomly allocated in a quasi-experimental setting. The intervention is receiving a license for shale gas exploration in the ...
harriet dilks's user avatar
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Non-random assignment to treatment group due to anticipation of treatment in difference-in-differences design

I have a very basic question regarding a DiD-Design. If the subjects in this design select themselves into treatment/non-treatment group because they anticipate the treatment (e.g., they want to avoid/...
diudas's user avatar
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