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Questions tagged [dynamic-programming]

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Best betting strategy with positive EV while avoiding large loss

Coming from a financial stop loss background. Let's say in a game of $T$ rounds: You start with $X_0=100$. And your profit $P=0$. At round $t$, you can choose the bet size $z_t$. You will get $z_t\...
jf328's user avatar
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Predicting future states in hidden Markov models -- use the Viterbi algorithm?

The Viterbi algorithm is used to decode hidden states in hidden Markov models (HMMs) by working out which sequence of states is most likely. To do this, it first identifies which state $j \in \{1, ...,...
user_15's user avatar
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How to solve the stochastic dynamic programming problem by value function iteration?

I'm trying to learn value function iteration by myself. Recently I'm solving this following problem: Consider a real business cycle model with production function: $y_t=e^{a_t}k_t^{\alpha}$, where $...
Ludwig Gershwin's user avatar
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How to modify the bellman operator for in-place iterative policy evaluation?

The iterative update rule for policy evaluation that is, approximating the value function for a given policy is: $$v^{k+1} = r_{\pi} + \gamma P_{\pi}v^{k}$$ This is the simultaneous update rule where ...
Atharva's user avatar
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What Are Some Mathematical Functions that Can Represent Surge Pricing for Ride Hailing? [closed]

Consider a ride hailing service, where the fare needs to be dynamically adjusted. I know there are many machine learning driven models possible, but here I am looking for a simpler and sensible ...
Della's user avatar
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Why do not more data points reduce the error of Gaussian Process Regression?

I am exploring using GP to approximate the value functions in some dynamic programming problems. Since all my data points are generated by myself, I can always train the GP with a larger dataset. ...
Dan Zhao's user avatar
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Add maximum time step to value iteration algorithm

What would a value iteration algorithm look like if I specify a maximum time step? For example, from a given state the environment does not reach a terminating state but instead should terminate ...
Stephane Hatgiskessell's user avatar
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Bellman equation / dynamic programming for darts

When you play darts, you can throw at 62 regions, z on the dartboard. Namely, the singles regions S1, ..., S20, the double regions D1, ..., D20, the treble regions T2, ..., T20 and the single- and ...
HJA24's user avatar
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Bellman Optimality Operator fixed point

I'm reading Szepesvári's book on RL. My question is concerning the proof of Theorem A.10 (p. 71). Theorem Let $V$ be the fixed point of $T^∗$ and assume that there is policy $π$ which is greedy w.r.t ...
Nick Halden's user avatar
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Bellman equations and reinforcement learning

We need to define just a few things first: $(a_t, s_t) \in \mathcal{A} \times \mathcal{S}$ are the action and state at time $t$; $r(s_t, a_t)$ is the reward for taking action $a_t$ in state $s_t$; ...
Stéphane's user avatar
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Choosing a changepoint detection algorithm

I've been reading up on changepoint algorithms (dynamic programming, Bayesian Online Changepoint detection, Hidden Markov Models, etc.) and am looking to implement an algorithm that has a certain set ...
SuperCodeBrah's user avatar
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Efficiency of Viterbi Algorithm

Considering that we have a sequence of observed states $\{y_1, y_2, \dots, y_T \}$ of length $T$. We want to generate a path $\{x_1, x_2, \dots, x_T\}$, which is a sequence of states $x_n \in S = \{...
Gustavo Rangel's user avatar
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Value of the absorbing state in a MDP and greedy policy - Why choose to go to the absorbing state if state value is 0?

I was going through an example of a Markov Decision Problem and I got the optimal value function with the value iteration algorithm described in Sutton Barto. In this algorithm I chose to initialise ...
Peter Strouvelle's user avatar
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Dyna-Q Algorithm Reinforcement Learning

In step(f) of the Dyna-Q algorithm we plan by taking random samples from the experience/model for some steps. Wouldn't it be more efficient if we construct an MDP from experience by computing the ...
gnikol's user avatar
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Unique game problem (ML, DP, PP etc) [closed]

Looking for a solution to my below game problem. I believe it to be some sort of dynamic programming, machine learning, or probabilistic programming challenge, but am unsure... This is my original ...
Michael Ramos's user avatar
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Understanding Approximate Dynamic Programming

I am trying to write a paper for my optimization class about Approximate Dynamic Programming. I found a few good papers but they all seem to dive straight into the material without talking about the ...
optimuscontrol's user avatar
11 votes
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Why are the value and policy iteration dynamic programming algorithms?

Algorithms like policy iteration and value iteration are often classified as dynamic programming methods that try to solve the Bellman optimality equations. My current understanding of dynamic ...
Karthik Thiagarajan's user avatar