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Best practice MLR vs GLM(M)

I am modelling timeseries of organism traits (7 different traits in total) using GLM(M)s in R. The data was collected at very irregular intervals and from 6 different locations. For every location 5-...
Globoquadrina's user avatar
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extending BACI analysis to lme, glm

I am analyzing data from a BACI (before-after, control-impact) design. BACI analyses typically look for changes in the mean response before(B) and after(A) at control(C) and impact(I) sites, but I ...
DylanMG's user avatar
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GLM with random factors for observational design

I would love your help: I have 50 houses where I have counted the number of Mosquito's eggs once a week for 4 months. I have 5 fixed factors (temperature, NDVI, precipitations, etc) and I want to add ...
Eugenia Sanchez's user avatar