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How to run a test between two or more groups when each data point brings a confidence interval?

I have recently started working on a dataset, but my limited experience as a recent graduate is preventing me from making progress. After performing a rarefaction (a form of bootstrapping), which was ...
Matteo Guidotti's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Deriving Fisher's mysterious estimator for the Unseen Species Problem

From Wikipedia: In the early 1940s Alexander Steven Corbet spent 2 years in British Malaya trapping butterflies.He kept track of how many species he observed, and how many members of each species ...
goopy's user avatar
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1 vote
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Unsure of statistics needed while working with replicates

I apologize if the question is considered too broad, but I'm hoping to get at least a basic starting point as I'm somewhat stuck with how to approach this. I am working with community ecological data-...
user390865's user avatar
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Why don't vegan::vegdist and vegan::metaMDS produce equivalent results?

This question has been discussed before but the proposed solution ( is no longer reproducible for some reason. As a refresher - it has been suggested ...
befriendabacter's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Quantifying diversity of bird species

I’m wondering if anyone could recommend a diversity index to look at the differences in breeding bird territories between two sites. These are my data - the numbers represent the number of breeding ...
luciano's user avatar
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What is the appropriate way to statistically analyse diversity indexes?

I have been working with a soil-derived viral metagenomic data set and am looking for advice on the appropriate statistical approach to the results. I have 2 different sample areas. Within both areas ...
Joshcole2504's user avatar
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Dissimilarity only between different treatments in dataset

I am studying the impact of wildfires on vegetation species composition. I have surveyed the burnt and unburnt areas on six sites which burned at different points in time from which I now have species ...
user340096's user avatar
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Metrics to compare diversity of groups on multiple characteristics

When I search for 'diversity metrics' it seems like most work has focused on ecological diversity, and I most frequently see the Simpson diversity index. This is equivalent to the economics metric, ...
Dr. Beeblebrox's user avatar
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Diversity index and ordinal variables?

Is it possible to calculate a diversity index (Simpson's or eventually Shannon's index) from ordinal data? As in, we surveyed 50 transects and recorded several species' "abundance" in 4 ...
GManono's user avatar
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How to include standard deviations in diversity calculations?

I have community abundance data where each species has a mean and a standard deviation (determined by replicate samples). I am comparing the diversity of two communities. The various diversity metrics ...
rrr's user avatar
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I have diversity index values and I wish to test for statistical significance between the zones readings. How can I statistically analyse this?

I have produced a graph for each Zone, x axis = years, y axis = diversity. I would primarily like to analyse the difference in diversity between the zones, but would also be interested in analysing ...
jack23's user avatar
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ecologists, if I have diversity data (Shannon's index) for years and sites how can I produce data just for the sites (explained better below)

I have 3 sites each split into the same 3 zones. With abundance data taken on 4 different years. I have produced diversity index readings for each zone at each site, for each year. If I'm not trying ...
jack23's user avatar
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How can I use R to asses the biodiversity of reef zones?

I wish to analyse my dataset, and concluded with the information I have, biodiversity would be good choice. I have 3 sites each are a reef and have the same zonation (split into 3 zones). I am aiming ...
jack23's user avatar
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Comparing species communities between sites with different numbers of replicates

I'm working with ecological community data collected from different sites and want to make comparisons between the sites using descriptors like richness, Shannon Weiner's diversity, and Simpson's ...
Fragilaria's user avatar
4 votes
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Distance matrix time series analysis? (Ecology/diversity)

I am trying to analyze a time series of ecological data. Each time point in the series is a matrix of animals-by-foods (that they were observed to eat). For each of these time points, I compute the ...
Matt's user avatar
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How should I deal with spatial autocorrelation in beta GLMM (glmmTMB)? (Bird diversity)

I am trying to compare certain a taxonomic diversity index (for bird communities) calculated for squares in a map grid system (a total of 34 squares) for two different years: 1998 and 2018. My ...
KO 88's user avatar
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PCoA/MDS on sqrt transformed Bray-Curtis dissmilarity using cmdscale

I would like to use PCoA to visualize beta diversity of a large community. I chose Bray-Curtis as distance measure to calculate the dissimilarity matrix and would like to apply a square root ...
mucl's user avatar
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Test homogeneity of multivariate dispersion with regard to the Modified Raup-Crick Metric

Please find a citation for the modified Raup-Crick Metric below Modified Raup-Crick Metric (Chase et al. 2011 As an extremely brief review, this metric generates a dissimilarity matrix containing ...
Alex Romer's user avatar
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What are the ways to normalize the vegetation data when the plot sizes of samples are different?

I have collected data on mangrove tree species density and composition from two habitat categories (sample groups) by using belt transects of various lengths between 100 x 10 M to 500 x 10 m. (3 & ...
Nehru's user avatar
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2 answers

Use vegdist function before metaMDS?

I am trying to do calculate beta-diversity of bacterial community data. I have been following numerous tutorials regarding this subject and I am getting mixed advice. I am trying to calculate beta-...
Roelof Coertze's user avatar
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Shannon Index normalization with S distinct species per site

Given S different species and M sites . Where in every site species are unique (not repeated within the site,that is there are no 2 individuals from the same species in the same site , but can be ...
Paulo's user avatar
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Testing when the profile of a sample has changed - degrees of freedom?

I've been messing around with the Shannon index for diversity $ H' = -\sum_i^R {p_i \ln{p_i}} $, and it's associated 'evenness' measure $E = H'/H_{\text{max}}$. I'm trying to come up with a way of ...
davkav9's user avatar
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Should I use Structural Equation Models (SEM) for my Functional Diversity (FD) study? (ECOLOGY RELATED)

I'm trying to calculate various functional diversity measures (Fric, Feve and Fdiv) for bird communities by using count data which is collected annually. My ultimate aim is to compare functional ...
KO 88's user avatar
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how do I calculate overyielding in ecological temporal stability

I am investigating diversity-stability relationships and I am trying to test for the portfolio effect and insurance effect with my data. I understand that overyielding indicates the portfolio effect ...
Birdonawire's user avatar
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Comparing biological diversity before and after

I've got counts of two species in two treatments at two timepoints. I've got six replicates of each treatment. I'd like to know how to compare treatment diversity. As it is, I've calculated the ...
gladys_c_hugh's user avatar
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Statistical test for comparing species diversity based on frequency at two points

I am trying to quantify similarity between these two locations taking into account species frequency: Chicago   Blue Jay: 0.79   American Crow: 0.25   Blackpoll ...
zdebruine's user avatar
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Variance of a distribution of multi-level categorical data

I am currently analyzing large data sets with various characteristics (such as city). I wanted to find a measure which would essentially say how much or how little of a variance there was across the ...
Eric Staner's user avatar
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What's the most adequate test/tests for this study?

I'm a PhD student (Biodiversity and Animal Ecology). I am preparing a scientific article to submit and I need help in statistical analysis of my data. In this message I will try to provide as much as ...
psammodromus's user avatar
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Vectors for biodiversity indices in RDA plot

I'm doing partial distance based (db-)RDA analysis of nematode community data. I have got the triplots already. They contain vectors of environmental data. Is it possible to overlay a second set of ...
Pharcyde's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Statistical test to perform on species diversity / Simpson's diversity index

I have a set of data from each of the two sites I am measuring for plant species diversity. I plan on using the Simpson's diversity index (SDI), which combines species richness (number of different ...
James's user avatar
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Calculating Diversity using normalized species counts

I am trying to calculate the change in diversity of species encountered throughout time. My dataset is comprised to detections of tagged fish for 48 consecutive weeks. My thought was to bin the ...
Danielle H.'s user avatar
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Quantifying tree height diversity or heterogeneity

I am analyzing data collected in the field for a habitat selection study of a large mammal. I have ~1300 plots that were sampled. I am trying to find a good way to quantify the diversity of tree ...
GNG's user avatar
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Species Richness, Dominance and Diversity Differences

I have collected 70 organisms from 4 different sites; two sites of treatment 1 and two sites of treatment 2. I also have a continuous explanatory variable (average temperature) which is different ...
Platypezid's user avatar
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