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Questions tagged [environmental-data]

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How the kurtosis value can determine the unhealthy event

I read a paper regarding air quality. The author mentioned that "The PM10 pollutant also shows the highest of kurtosis value, which indicates that it appears most frequently in unhealthy ...
Maryam's user avatar
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R vegan: RDA vs CCA, which test to answer my research question and which results to report?

(if my question should be cut up into sub-questions please let me know, since all those questions are related I decided to ask them here together as one long question) Main question As part of my ...
Ciska's user avatar
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Formal way to test if a non-linear approach is necessary to correlating environmental variables to NMDS ordination axes?

I've got a follow-up question to this post regarding correlating [non-]linear environmental variables to NMDS ordination axes. My original plan was to use function ...
theforestecologist's user avatar